Hi there, I hope you are all well.
I have a question for you, which I hope you enjoy.
Most of us know the classic story of New Coke and how it failed miserably.
I would like to have some examples of companies who have similar to
the Coca-Cola Company and it?s New Coke, tried to reinvent themselves,
but failed miserably. Now this is tricky ? I?m not looking for
companies/brands where the product reinvented clearly was of a bad
quality and therefore failed ? but examples of companies where the
product released didn?t succeed ? most likely due to the fact that the
product simply didn?t match under the brand umbrella. So in short ? a
case very similar to the Coca-Cola case.
I need to know the following information about the reasons the failed;
1. Why did the campaign fail
2. It must be an independent failing, and not due to things like
distribution, too high price etc.
4. I hard facts proving that the product failed, wether this is market
research, sales numbers of the fact that the company withdraw the
product from the market.
5. Again ? if you?re good ? it would be great if you could link me to
either copies of the advertising materials used during the release of
the product ? or a written description of the campaign.
It is preferable that the case is reasonably well known, and U.S.
based, but all suitable answers will be rewarded.
I am willing to pay US$25 per fully answered brand that is provided in
full, with exceptional answers being tipped well.
Good Luck.
Aaron. |