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Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
Category: Relationships and Society > Romance Asked by: whyru-ga List Price: $200.00 |
03 Feb 2006 23:39 PST
Expires: 05 Mar 2006 23:39 PST Question ID: 441254 |
I have to propose this toast +/- 5 minutes.Have done this over the years for 4 other brides ...all friends of the current bride,and am running out of ideas.Would like something with good Irish content.The couple are intelligent,university graduates,full of fun and game for anything I might say! Groom is a Corporate Lawyer,Bride an HR Consultant.Both live and work in London. | |
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Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 07 Feb 2006 04:48 PST Rated: ![]() |
Dear Whyru, I have here two versions. However, I also added some links to help you find further quotes, blessings and the such. Version I --------- If I may have your attention ? I?d like to express our gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. [Smith], who have invited us to this lovely ceremony for Molly and Michael, in sunny [Johannesburg]. I have known Molly since the 1970s. Do you remember this decade? I mostly remember horrible platform shoes and disco music. And that was the good part. Molly got over this bleak period in history, however. She also survived the 1980s. [Here you can say something about her childhood]. In the 1990s, when asked, most kids would say that Queen Victoria was married to David Beckham, and that politicians are at home at ?Big Brother?. Molly and Michael managed through these horrible times as well. In fact, both Molly and Michael have done pretty well, given those sad circumstances, and managed not to read one piece of rubbish about Brittney Spears throughout college. Molly became a human resources consultant. She is an excellent human resource consultants ? this is evident by her choice of Michael. Not only that this lucky charm of hers is best candidate for the job, but he had also managed to pass all of the screenings that HR consultants run these days. No, he also doesn?t listen to Brittney Spears. Michael is also blessed with wit. As a rugby player, he knows that one should catch the opportunities that the game poses to you. As a corporate lawyer, he immediately understood that Molly is such catch, one that should be held with a good contract. How about that ?till death do us part? contract? Clever choice! As John Wesley?s said, "an ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge". In this case, knowledge invested in love brings the best results. And in this case, may you have many prosperous years to get to love each other together, and as the Irish proverb goes: [May you live as long as you want/And never want as long as you live. I am torn between this one and: May there be a generation of children On the children of your children.] To Molly and Michael! *** Version II: ---------- If I may, I would like to express my gratitude to my good friends [Molly?s parents] and to [Mrs. And Mrs. Michael?s parents] for this wonderful wedding. Plato once said, that ?At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet?. Well, I guess that I am actually not at Molly and Michael?s wedding, but at a poetry convention! A famous physicist had once said: / Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love/ You see, Michael and Molly wed/ And it seems that every blessing falls from above People came from the other end of the earth/ To share this joy and bliss/ To witness this ? almost a rebirth/ And of course to see them kiss! Molly and Michael, what a pair! / Professional, successful, attractive and beautiful/ And let us not forget ? love is in the air/ Together they are three-quarters Irish ? luck is bountiful! So let me propose this toast. Tolstoy has once said, that everything he understand, he does because he loves. I wish you many years of mutual understanding and happy marriage. To Michael and Molly! **** Further Resources =========== Quotes for Wedding Toasts http://www.aphids.com/cgi-bin/quotes.pl?act=ShowWedCategories Irish Blessings http://www.corsinet.com/trivia/irish.html Best Short Wedding Toasts http://weddings.about.com/od/theweddingparty/a/toastsamples.htm Love ? Wikiquote < http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Love> Wedding Toast Generator < http://www.blissweddings.com/library/toasts_engine.asp> I hope this answers your question. Naturally, I will be happy to clarify my answer and help you further, before you rate it. | |
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rated this answer:![]() I would like to send $50:00 to probonopublico-ga for his help freely offered.He can donate this to his favourite charity if he doesnt want it!! The wedding is in December 2006 so I am in good time...Thank you both. |
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Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Feb 2006 00:01 PST |
$200 bucks and no takers! My heart has gone out to you and so I am delighted to provide you with your speech of a lifetime, ABSOLUTELY FREE. For the purposes of your speech, I have called the groom ?Michael? and the bride ?Molly? but PLEASE NOTE you should substitute their real names in your address or it will look as though you picked your speech up off GA for free. Here goes: Ladies and Gentlemen It will soon be my pleasure to propose the toast of the Bride and Groom but first let me tell you a bit about the happy couple. Michael is an Irish thoroughbred which means he was born with a silver shillelagh in his mouth; he has kissed the Blarney Stone; and he has been weaned on Guinness by the bucketful. In other words, he has all the charm for which the Irish are famous. He could have been an artist, a poet, a writer, or a politician but no ? Michael chose to become a lawyer. But not a mere high street lawyer, I hasten to add, but a Corporate Lawyer. The very cream of his chosen profession. You might ask ?What is a Corporate Lawyer?? Well, whether you ask or not, I am going to tell you. A Corporate Lawyer writes those interminable Guarantees that you get whenever you buy any household gadget. The gadget itself will have been made in China but the Guarantee will have been printed in a typeface so small that it can only be read with the aid of a powerful microscope. Michael?s job is to ensure that the Guarantee is absolutely worthless. Those of you who have attempted to make a claim under Guarantee will be aware that Michael is very, very good at his job. I have to report that Molly, the lovely bride, is only half-Irish and this presents a problem for our happy couple whenever they do an Irish jig. Whereas Michael can perform with all the aplomb of a Michael Flatley, poor Molly can only jig around on one leg. Sadly, I understand that this is an accident of birth that is totally incurable. Happily, Molly has compensated for her lack of jigability by become a Human Resource Consultant. Yes a Human Resource Consultant, as opposed to the Inhuman variety that is far more common these days. And what does Molly do as a Human Resource Consultant? Mainly, Molly is concerned with Outsourcing which is an academic term for setting up Call Centres in India. As you may know, all calls to Call Centres are now ?recorded for training purposes? and - you?ve guessed it - all those records go to Molly, whose job is to listen to them and advise. Most Indians in Call Centres have degrees and they speak impeccable English and it?s Molly?s job to teach them to talk like Indians are supposed to talk and to act stupid. The idea being of course is to keep the Callers on the line for as long as possible. I am sure that most of you can vouch from personal experience that Molly is eminently successful in her work. And now these two young professionals are joined together as a couple and I would ask you to raise your glasses of Guinness, Irish Whisky or Baileys and join me in the toast ?The Bride and Groom?. The Bride and Groom. (Sound of drinking.) (Prolonged applause.) |
Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
From: politicalguru-ga on 05 Feb 2006 03:33 PST |
Wow Bryan, I wish you were at my wedding... I am awaiting for the client's clarifications on these two matters, before I proceeed. I would be rude to start otherwise, would it? |
Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Feb 2006 06:16 PST |
Wow PG I would have been/would be honoured and delighted to attend your own wedding. All you have to do is ask! I rather suspect that whyru is hoping that you will honour and delight the Bride and Groom (as well as him/herself) by attending the upcoming event in London. If so, please let me know the Date, Time and Venue. I shall be visiting the Astral Plane around midnight tonight (GMT) so I can meet you at the usual place (Salon Kitty's) if this is OK. Auf wiedersehen Bryan |
Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
From: probonopublico-ga on 06 Feb 2006 10:33 PST |
Hi Whyru The additional info is really useful. I will now let the talented Polly (Politicalguru) piece all the bits together and dazzle you with her ideas for your speech. Good Luck! Bryan |
Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
From: probonopublico-ga on 11 Feb 2006 10:07 PST |
Hi Whyru Polly (Politicalguru) is the lady who deserves all the credit because I only chipped in to help. If I helped a little then that's good enough for me. Hope that you've now got enough to sail through the toast. All the Best Bryan |
Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
From: probonopublico-ga on 28 Feb 2006 05:18 PST |
Wow, whyru, Many thanks! I am so pleased to have contributed. My favourite charity is Macmillan Cancer Relief: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/ I am sure that they will appreciate your generosity. Should you wish you can attribute your gift to 'Bryan C of Hove'. All the Very Best & Have a Great Time in South Africa in December. Bryan (My Mother's Father was Irish.) |
Re: Toast to the Bride(half Irish) and Groom (full Irish)
From: myoarin-ga on 28 Feb 2006 10:27 PST |
Bryan, Congratulations! I have been wondering all along if your comment was the result of being the experienced father of the bride or whether you are still practicing for the occasion. Let it stay a secret. Regards, Myo |
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