I provided two sites. The first is a brief, general interpretation as
the term would apply to a text. The second is from the theological
perspective as it might apply to Bibical interpretation, written by a
university professor.
(1) Graphic illlustration with explanation:
You start with the whole ? at the top of the circle. To understand
the whole, you have to understand each part ? which means you are
going around the circle. Once you understand each part, you have to
reconsider the whole ? which brings you back to the top of the circle
where you started.
Theology As Translation
By James M. Robinson
? . . . In the broader sense, hermeneutic embraces the movement from
the original speaking of God's word, to which the Bible refers,
through its address to me in such a way that it speaks to me. Hence
hermeneutic, far from being a minor subdivision in one department of
theology, has come to be recognized as the overarching category that
unites the various theological disciplines and makes them a whole. It
is in this sense that theology and translation are one in
If to translate is basically to interpret, translation coincides with
the task of hermeneutic. Indeed, hermeneutic itself is a term whose
original breadth of meaning has been rather arbitrarily narrowed. The
Greek verb meant to proclaim and to translate as well as to interpret.
Hence the modern technical meaning of hermeneutic as a theory of
interpretation derives from a broader meaning that includes
translation, exegesis, and proclamation. Indeed the apostolic
proclamation itself is a "hermeneutical" action, just as Hermes was
spokesman or herald for the gods.
. . . translation and interpretation belong together; they in turn
share with language a basic scope. For language itself is the bringing
to expression, the exposition, of an understanding. Language is
already the beginning of the hermeneutical process.
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hermeneutic circle
hermeneutic circle Biblical theology interpretation edu |