Thanks for accepting my remarks as your answer.
As I mentioned below, a similar question was posted on GA in 2003. My
able colleague Tutuzdad did a fine job here:
Compensation for Defense Attorneys for High-Profile Criminal Cases
I hate to collect the boodle for someone else's work, so I've found
another link related to the matter:
"Two judges decided Friday [July 30, 2004] whether tax money will help
defend Scott Peterson against murder charges, but by law the ruling
remains confidential.
And it's possible no one will ever know, outside of a few key players.
Mark Geragos, Peterson's attorney, and court officials continued to
cite state law guaranteeing confidentiality when seeking public money
for indigent defense.
'Look, if I did file, I couldn't tell you,' Geragos said Friday. 'If I
didn't file, I still couldn't tell you.'...
Some lawyers shed the cloak of secrecy when it comes to public
funding. Erik and Lyle Menendez, who killed their parents in Beverly
Hills in 1989, and David Westerfield, who murdered 7-year-old Danielle
van Dam in San Diego in 2002, received public money, their lawyers
have said. Judges let them keep their original lawyers to preserve
Sacramento Bee: Peterson money decision a secret
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "scott peterson" geragos pay OR pays
I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if anything is unclear, or
if a link doesn't work for you.
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