Howdy elaineoxford-ga,
No problem! I will take this step-by-step for you.
First, to read the manual, which comes in PDF format, you will need the
Adobe Acrobat Reader program. To see if you already have this program
intalled on your computer, and assuming you are running Windows, you can
go to Start, and then Programs and see if there is an menu item named
Adobe Reader. You might have an icon on your desktop marked Adobe Reader.
Either way, that would mean you already have Adobe Reader installed.
If you do not already have it installed on your computer, you can download
it at no cost from the Adobe website by going to the following web address.
The download process is pretty straight forward, but feel free to ask for
more information if you are having problems downloading it.
The next step is to go to the following web address.
You will see a line of text at the bottom of the page, as such:
"Owner Guide(English): 00000261"
The "00000261" section will be in blue. You will want to save the Owner
Guide to your computer. To do so, you will want to "right click" on the
"00000261." You simply point your mouse to the "00000261" and then click
your right (instead of the left) mouse button. A menu will pop up, and
one of the menu selections will be "Save Target As..." and you will want
to do the usual "left click" (click the left mouse button) on that menu
Wait a bit and then a "Save As" dialog should open. Note where it will be
saving the document (look at the "Save in: window at the top, and it will
have a folder name such as "My Documents)) and then click on the Save
button in the lower right of the dialog box. The file is relatively large,
so it might take some time (up to 15 minutes or so) depending on your
connection speed.
Once it is finished downloading, you should go to where it was downloaded
(My Documents in this example) and double click it open. Adobe Reader will
automatically run, and show you the manual. You can then print the manual
(it is 6 pages long) if you desire.
If you have any questions or need any clarification, feel free to post a
"Request for Question Clarification."
Search strategy:
I first went to the Frigidaire web site.
Once there, I clicked on the "Customer Service" button.
I then clicked on the "Product Manuals" button.
Following their "Search Tip," I searched on TCU and and found the manual.
Happy New Year to you as well!
Looking Forward, denco-ga - Google Answers Researcher |