Howdy talltoo-ga,
Although it is sometimes referenced by the title you present ("Was Abe
Lincoln Gay, Too? A Divided Man to Heal a Divided Age") it appears the
actual article was titled "Was Lincoln Gay?" and was written by W. Scott
Thompson, a School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, professor.
It was "published" on 6/10/2001 on the George Mason University's History
News Network (HNN) website. You can read the whole text on that site.
"Is it necessary to out Abe? The phrase's vulgarity itself should answer.
This isn't, in any real sense, an outing--but an entering, into the deeper
recesses of a great man's character."
If you need any clarification, please feel free to ask.
Search strategy:
Google search on: Lincoln gay "Divided Man"
The above search brings up a few references to the title that was provided
as well as the author's name of "W. Scott Thompson" and a "Tufts professor."
Google search on: "W. Scott Thompson" Lincoln gay
The above search produced a citation to the actual article on the HNN site.
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