Dear alonzo1776,
This is what I found out a result of my research concerning Irish Art Associates:
-- The Location --
A street named Crodaun Forest Park does indeed exist in the Irish town
of Celbridge, County Kildare. And it does also have a property with
the street number 146 (for the importance of that number, see below),
as a 2001 document of the Kildare County Council shows:
"To consider extension of Right of Way between 145 and 146 Crodaun
Forest Park, Celbidge.",5189,en.DOC
-- Irish Art Associates --
Web research revealed that Irish Art Associates maintain a website:
However, the broken visitors counter in the lower left corner appeared
suspicious to me; it looked more neglected than a reputable art
dealer's website should look. So I compared the site with its older
versions, stored by the Wayback Machine Internet Archive:*/
The comparison showed that the website has obviously not been updated
since 2001 - not even the "latest catalogue" section has seen any
changes. This is most unusual for a company whose range of available
artworks would change permanently as a result of selling and acquiring
I countinued my research by looking for the owner of the website
address in the Allwhois database. I found out that this is the
registrant of
Irish Art Associates
146, Crodaun Forest Park
Celbridge, Co Kildare
Administrative Contact:
Brown, Patrick
Irish Art Associates
13 Adelaide Rd, Dublin 2
Phone: +353 1 4784678
Fax: +353 1 4784679
Record expires on 11-Jan-2005.
Record created on 11-Jan-2000
Although the registrant's name, phone and fax number and the Dublin
address match with the data provided on the website, I remain
suspicious. Neither one Patrick Brown nor Irish Art Associates are
listed in the Irish Telephone Directory or in the Irish Yellow Pages.
And, what is more: There is no company or business name "Irish Art
Associates" listed in the database of the Irish Companies Registration
Because of those suspicious facts, I must advise caution when dealing
with someone who claims to be Irish Art Associates.
Allwhois Domain Database
Irish Telephone Directory
Irish Yellow Pages
Hope this is useful!
Best regards,
Scriptor |