I am looking for a title of a movie I saw roughly 14 years ago. I
thought it was a Hitchcock film--but I may be wrong. Can somebody
help me?
without sounding too confusing, the plot has these features in it:
The plot has to do with a woman who inherits millions of dollars, not
in cash but in something else. All she gets is a bag with what
appears to be some worthless junk. She can't figure out what her
inheritance is. Some "bad guys" know what it is, and it turns out to
be a valuable stamp on a postcard that was in the pile of "junk" she
Anyway, a man comes into her life--and the viewers are led to think he
is a "bad guy" out to get her and her money, when in actuality (in the
very last scene of the book) he is really the inspector who is out to
protect her.
On the other hand, the man she thought was the police inspector
helping her escape from her enemies is really the antogonist who ends
up killing other people who were also after this woman, and these
people thought he (the fake police inspector) was dead.
This may help:
One of the men the fake police inspector murdered had a plastic bag
over his head and had his hands tied so he could not remove the bag.
Before suffocating to death, he wrote the word "Dial" or something
like that (I can't remember exactly) in the carpet. This is because
the name the dead man wrote is real name of the man who killed him.
But there is a twist!
The name he wrote in the carpet was ALSO the alias the real police
inspector used to get close to the woman with the valuable stamp--but
in reality, the "fake police inspector" was really the man whose name
was written in the carpet.
Does this help at all? If you can help me find out WHAT THE NAME of
this movie is, I'd sure appreciate it! |