Hi foutaine,
Thanks for accepting the resource I found as your Answer, I'm glad it
worked for you!
Here it is again, in the Answer Box:
Excel: formula in comments?
..."Is it possible to put a cell reference in a comment? I want to
have what is in a comment dependent on a cell values in another
Post 06-03-2005, 04:05 PM by GatesIsAntichrist:
..."Enclosed is code to store a cell's formula into its comment. It's
nifty in that [if you ask it to] it will copy the formula from the
comment back into the cell. Perhaps you can adapt it for what you
asked for.
I keep this in PERSONAL.XLS. It is "safe" to play with as is (as far
as overwriting goes); it has plenty of msgbox prompts..."
Sub CommentFormula()
Dim bEqual As Boolean
Dim iEqual As Integer, iLen As Integer, iLoc As Integer
Dim sAuthor As String, sComment As String, sCR As String, sCR2 As String
Dim sDate As String, sFormula As String, sResponse As String, sTime As String
bEqual = False
sAuthor = Application.UserName
sCR = Chr(10): sCR2 = sCR & sCR
sDate = Format(Date, "yyyy.mm.dd"): sTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm")
sFormula = ActiveCell.Formula
iLen = Len(sFormula)
For iEqual = 1 To iLen
If Mid(sFormula, iEqual, 1) = "=" Then bEqual = True: Exit For
If bEqual = False Then sFormula = ActiveCell.Value
With ActiveCell
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
.Comment.Text Text:=sAuthor & sCR & sDate & " " & sTime & sCR2 & sFormula
If Application.DisplayCommentIndicator <>
xlCommentAndIndicator Then .Comment.Visible = False
End With
Exit Sub
ErrorHandler: 'This should only hit when a comment preexists, which is
not necessarily "bad"
On Error GoTo 0
ActiveCell.Comment.Visible = True
sResponse = MsgBox(prompt:="Copy Formula from Comment to Cell?", _
buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="Comment Formula")
If sResponse = vbYes Then
sComment = ActiveCell.Comment.Text
iLen = Len(sComment)
For iEqual = 1 To iLen
If Mid(sComment, iEqual, 1) = "=" Then bEqual = True: Exit For
If bEqual = False Then
iLoc = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(sCR2, sComment, 1)
sFormula = Right(sComment, iLen - iLoc - 1)
ActiveCell.Value = sFormula
iLoc = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("=", sComment, 1)
sFormula = Right(sComment, iLen - iLoc + 1)
ActiveCell.Formula = sFormula
End If
Resume Next
End If
'sResponse is No,to "using" comment
sResponse = MsgBox(prompt:="OVERWRITE Comment with Cell Formula?", _
buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="Comment Formula")
If sResponse = vbYes Then
If bEqual = False Then sFormula = ActiveCell.Value Else
sFormula = ActiveCell.Formula
ActiveCell.AddComment 'now,
Else 'Overwrite sResponse is No
sResponse = MsgBox(prompt:=" ** Erase ** Comment ??",
buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="Comment Formula")
If sResponse = vbYes Then ActiveCell.Comment.Delete
Exit Sub
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Also, much thanks to GatesIsAntichrist for the code!
If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask, and
thanks for using the Google Answers service!
Search terms used at Google:
excel "formula in comments" |