Alphabetic Distribution of Lastnames into 8 even groups by Alpha 1st two letters
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: robmcintosh-ga List Price: $10.00 |
14 Dec 2004 17:48 PST
Expires: 13 Jan 2005 17:48 PST Question ID: 442719 |
Given the average spread of last names within a population, say you wanted to divide a mailing of 1600 to names in 8 different mailings of 200 each. What would the alphabetic distribution be, for the 8 different groups using up to the first two letters of the last name. Example: A-Ei, Ef-I, J-Me, Mf-Ni, Ni-Se, Sf-Su, Su-Te, Tf-Z | |
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Re: Alphabetic Distribution of Lastnames into 8 even groups by Alpha 1st two letters
Answered By: pafalafa-ga on 15 Dec 2004 04:10 PST Rated: |
Hello Robert, Hey...don't knock ten bucks. Every little bit helps (especially this time of year!). Based on an analysis of the top 58,000 names from a list from the Census Bureau of the most common surnames in the US: http://www.census.gov/genealogy/names/ an alphabetical breakout looks like this: Aa-Bu.....Aaberg to Buzzo By-Du.....Byam to Duzan Dv-Ha.....Dvorak to Hazzard He-La.....He to Lazzell Le-Mo.....Le to Mozingo Mr-Ri.....Mraz to Rizzuto Rm-St.....Rm to Stys Su-Zy.....Su to Zywiec I trust that meets your needs. But before rating this answer, please let me know if you need any additional information. Just post a Request for Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further. pafalafa-ga search strategy -- Used bookmarks to the Census Bureau surnames list, and sorted and analysed the list in an Excel spreadsheet. P.S. By the way, my background is pretty eclectic, but from my previous work as a GA researcher, I happened to know about the surnames list, so it was a pretty straightforward matter to find the bookmark for it, download the list, and divvy it up into even parts. Happy Holidays! paf |
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Re: Alphabetic Distribution of Lastnames into 8 even groups by Alpha 1st two letters
From: pafalafa-ga on 15 Dec 2004 09:16 PST |
Thanks a lot for the stars and all! Big double whoop, especially for that nice tip. Have fun with...whatever the heck you're doing with these surnames. And a wonderful holiday to boot. paf |
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