Clarification of Answer by
08 Feb 2006 23:00 PST
Dear labboy,
I am most certainly not confusing
the "Boltzman Equation" with the "Boltzman distribution".
even though both are named after the same Ludwig Boltzman
I gave you the answer in terms of the classical kinetic theory of simple gases
since you did not mention that your are particularly interested in the
energy distributions of the internal degrees of freedom
Classical energy distribution are applicable to the internal states
of the gas molecules while quantum distributions may be required in
some applications.
The equilibration of internal degrees of a dilute gas would still depend
on intermolecular collision, and whole process is still described by
Boltzman equation, just the mathematics gets more complex, e,g,
Non-Equilibrium Solutions of a Hierarchy of Discrete Velocity Models
in the Transport Theory of Dilute Gases Including Internal Degrees of
Quantum kinetic Boltzmann equation taking into account the ...
A derivation of the quantum Boltzmann equation is given for identical particles
with internal degrees of freedom. It is shown that the off-diagonal (with ...
... The Non-Equilibrium Equations and the Relaxation of the Internal Degrees of
Freedom ... Application of the Boltzmann Equation to a Jet of Monoatomic Gas ...
Due to mathematical complexity, solutions are usually numerical.
SEARCH TERMS: Boltzmann equation, internal degrees of freedom
For flow of fluid one usually uses Navier-Stokes eq.
which, while it can be derived from the Boltzman equation, is more simple.
In some applications, one may need to differentiate between processes
on two scales:
1) Evolution to thermodynamical equilibrium, which (for a given
molecule) involves many collision with other molecule. That process
is described by Boltzman Eq., (in which the collision integral may
include internal degrees of freedom, and be quite complex),
2) isolated molecule, in free flight, between the collisons, may
undergo internal transitions, and emit photon. This quantum
mechanical process,
is governed by a different equation. There is a constant probability
of spontaneous transitions, so eq Ndot = alpha * N given in your
The combined process, is core core of the semi-classical model which
Einstein developed when deriving Black Body radiation:
Search Terms: Einstein coefficients
There is no general solutions for complex and nonequilibrium cases.
(Einstein assumed gas of linear oscilators in equilibrium).
Search terms: laser pumping dynamics, noneqilibrium plasma
will bring you studies of specific applications and illustrations such as