This still appears to be an area of current research and theory.
Best candidates for actual generation of the action potential are
mechanosensitive ion channels.
Some links to research papers:
Non?Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Influx Through Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in
Aortic Baroreceptor Neurons. Margaret J. Sullivan, Ram V. Sharma, Ruth
E. Wachtel, Mark W. Chapleau, Laurie J. Waite, Ramesh C. Bhalla, ,
Francois M. Abboud. Circulation Research. 1997;80:861-867.
Mechanosensitive ion channels in putative aortic baroreceptor neurons
Shane Kraske, J. Thomas Cunningham, George Hajduczok, Mark W.
Chapleau, Francois M. Abboud, and Ruth E. Wachte. Am J Physiol Heart
Circ Physiol 275: H1497-H1501, 1998.
Mechanosensitive currents in putative aortic baroreceptor neurons in vitro
J. T. Cunningham, R. E. Wachtel and F. M. Abboud. J Neurophysiol 73:
2094-2098, 1995.
there is some overview of concepts and references here:
Molecular Basis of Mechanotransduction in Living Cells. Owen P. Hamill
and Boris Martinac. Physiological Reviews, Vol. 81, No. 2, April 2001,
pp. 685-740
here's an animal paper on the electron microscopic features of the
baroreceptor relevant to mechanical potentiation of pressure
differences in the area of the sensory nerve endings:
Electron microscopic structure and innervation of the carotid
baroreceptor region in the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis). Kimani, JK.
J Morphol. 1992 Jun;212(3):201-11.
apart from the authors of these papers and their significant
references, I also found this |