I believe you're remembering "Animalia," a remarkable book written and
illustrated by Graeme Base. In the last decade, I must have bought a
dozen copies of this book to give to friends and relatives. Even after
years of familiarity with "Animalia," I can still find fascinating
things in the illustrations that I didn't notice before.
"Graeme Base is perhaps best known for his picture book 'Animalia'
that, on the surface, was a simple 'Alphabet Book' for Children. Each
page showed a different letter of the Alphabet with animals and
objects all beginning with that letter. What set it apart from a crowd
of similar books was the incredible depth of each picture. A child, or
even adult, could spend a lot of entertaining time finding things
hidden in the background. Beautifully detailed pictures became his
BBC: Graeme Base - Artist and Author
"Graeme Base's astonishingly creative oeuvre begins with Animalia, the
1993 alphabet book that challenges the standard idea of how long
reading a book for small kids ought to take. Animalia, like many of
Base's books, is a vast puzzle, built with entrancing pictures that
unfold into layers and layers of objects--all matched to each page's
corresponding letter. Base leaves us stunned and amazed, painting
reflections into the oddest surfaces and driving the urge to
Amazon: Animalia by Graeme Base
"Animalia is an alphabet book like no other! Abounding with fanciful,
gorgeously detailed art, Animalia is an alphabet book, a guessing
game, and a visual feast for the eyes. Each page features one letter
and images related to that letter- as well as a hidden picture of
author Graeme Base as a child."
KidSurplus: "Animalia" by Graeme Base
If you'd like to buy a copy of "Animalia," here are some price comparison searches:
Addall: Animalia by Graeme Base (Hardcover)
Addall: Animalia by Graeme Base (Paperback)
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "graeme base" animalia
I hope I've identified your book correctly. If not, or if anything is
unclear or incomplete, please request clarification; I'll be glad to
offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
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pinkfreud |