Background: Have an excellent book to help people start a business,
keep a business going profitably and/or to save a business, with full
experienced back-up, mentoring and counselling support. Have been
responsible for starting and mentoring more than 1,000 businesses into
success during last 5 years and involved with government agencies,
TAFE, training and education in small business. Have small business
website, well serviced and most presentable training rooms in inner
west Sydney.
Want to do several things:
1. Get my book used as a "bible" by accountants, lawyers, business
associations, schools, libraries, TAFE's, universities ets and want
ideas on how to do this
2. Get population of partnerships (a specialty) new start-ups,
persons who would have used TAFE previously but will not do so under
new arrangements, individuals, professionals, students etc, as well as
accountants, lawyers and so on through my training courses - how best
to do this - any ideas please ?
3. Provide virtual office services
4. Bring former and future NEISS type program uses through my
training programs - they are different and superior to BEC and/or
NEISS programs which I once ran - I have the results, cexperienced
mentors and counsellors
5. I need a base workload and cash-flow and then to build a service
not heretofore available in Sydney.
Experienced International and ex-Government managers work with me. |