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Q: Tickle Me Pink! ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   14 Comments )
Subject: Tickle Me Pink!
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: probonopublico-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 18 Dec 2004 03:26 PST
Expires: 17 Jan 2005 03:26 PST
Question ID: 444242
Is an expression once used here in the UK and I believe that it might
now have some new significance but I can't yet figure it out.

Any ideas?
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 18 Dec 2004 14:55 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Howdy-hi and appropriate greetings of the season, Bryan!

First, I shall get the mandatory research out of the way...

"To be tickled pink means to be very pleased or amused. I would have
thought the source of this expression was straight forward - but
someone has asked for it, and I?m happy to oblige. In the first place,
pink (as a colour) is always associated with good health. Someone who
is 'in the pink' is in good health - for the simple reason that having
a pink complexion has traditionally been regarded as a sign of health
(while a pale, washed-out expression is unhealthy). Even having a red
(or ruddy) complexion was regarded as healthy. Combine that notion
with the action of tickling, and you get someone being tickled pink.
Brewer?s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable notes that 'a tickled person
will often appear to be red in the face from laughing'. So, if you are
very amused or very pleased then you are either tickled pink or else
'tickled to death' (that latter meaning something like tickled, or
pleased, to the limit)."

ABC Classic FM: Word of the Day

Regarding new significance to "tickle me pink," I found this
"scientifically formulated product" which claims to be a "stimulus
enhancing lotion." I doubt that it is a proper substitute for the old
slap and tickle, but ain't science wonderful? Tickle Me Pink

...and now a bit of whimsy.

      Peter Pan has lost his grin:
      Tinkerbell is drowning in
      A hefty keg of pirates' rum.
      Fairy-flavoured booze. Yum yum.
      Captain Hook enjoys his drink: 
      Every sip is pickled Tink.

Very best regards,

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 21 Dec 2004 13:57 PST
I just came across a nifty bit of audio pinkitude...

For your listening enjoyment, here is a very nice MIDI rendition of my
theme song, Aerosmith's "Pink":
probonopublico-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $5.00
Many thanks O Pink One and Seasonal Greetings to U2.

Oh, Clever You ...

You have included many references in your answer WITHOUT the
appropriate hypertext links.

Great versification, none the less.

For example, who on earth are Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Captain Hook?

I suspect that you are setting me up to ask further questions, huh?

More importantly, you have pointed me to a suitable product which
seems great value @ $18.

I shall get a supply immediately but I intend to test it on Daisy
first provided that there are no objections to animal testing.

Heck, she wants to test EVERYTHING before I put it in my mouth.

I feel sure that Animal Rights Activists would be after me (or her) if
they ever find out.

All the Best


Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: timespacette-ga on 18 Dec 2004 08:53 PST
If you figure it out, you could celebrate by taking a holiday at the
Tickle Pink Inn:

You will, of course, send us a pc?

Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: steph53-ga on 18 Dec 2004 10:37 PST
Hiya Bryan....

Or you could do some fancy artwork:

Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: steph53-ga on 18 Dec 2004 10:38 PST
Oops that didn't work...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: steph53-ga on 18 Dec 2004 10:40 PST
Lets try that again:
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: pinkfreud-ga on 19 Dec 2004 10:57 PST

Many thanx for the five stars and the large tip. I apologize for the
scarcity of hypertext links in my answer. The dogs thought they were
sausage links and ate 'em.

Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: silver777-ga on 21 Dec 2004 21:34 PST
Hi Bryan,

Again, you are correct, as always.

"Pink" is now a verb and also an adjective.

To "tickle me pink" is to bathe me in knowledge and understanding.
To "pink" is to answer a question, as in "Can you pink me this?"
A "pinkless" person is one without knowledge.
To really "pink" someone, is to truly know them.
"I pink you are having me on" means that I believe you are telling porkies.

Happy Christmas Bryan, Phil
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: pinkfreud-ga on 29 Dec 2004 12:19 PST
>> "Pink" is now a verb and also an adjective.

While I love the idea of becoming so renowned that my nickname becomes
a verb, I must point out that "pink" was already a verb, one meaning
of which is "to pierce with a sword or other pointed instrument."

However, it is my belief that the pun is mightier than the sword, so I
gladly accept my elevation to the status of verbitude.
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: silver777-ga on 29 Dec 2004 15:07 PST
Hence the pinking shears?

 .. " as David released the stone from his slingshot, the crowd drew
silent on hearing " PINK! " as Goliath stumbled to his fate " ..
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: timespacette-ga on 29 Dec 2004 15:24 PST
well, I'll probably get thrown off GA for this, but here's a different angle:

Five twinklies to the person who can recount how Carrie Fisher chose this title!


Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: ottopilots-ga on 08 Jan 2005 20:04 PST
How can anyone be so removed from society that they don't know who is
Peter Pan? I guess next time you will be asking where is Disney World?
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: probonopublico-ga on 08 Jan 2005 21:38 PST
Hi Otto

you have intrigued me ....

PLEASE What IS Disney World?
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: silver777-ga on 08 Jan 2005 21:56 PST

Peter who? Heard of Payne and Paine, but not Pan. Asian origin perhaps?

C'mon Probo, you must have heard of Captain Hook. You know, the guy
who sings about Silvia's Mother. If I recall correctly, the lead
singer even sports an eye-patch.

Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: ottopilots-ga on 11 Jan 2005 13:50 PST

Where do you live? Peter Pan is a great story that Disney turned into
a anamated movie years ago. You know Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck,
Goofy..... You should check it out or at read the story. There are
lots of versions of it too.

Are you pulling my chain?
Subject: Re: Tickle Me Pink!
From: pinkfreud-ga on 11 Jan 2005 13:56 PST

Probonopublico pulls more chains than does Jacob Marley's ghost. It is
wise to take his quips with a grain of salt. Make that an extra-large
grain of salt. One of those salt licks that cattle ranchers use might
do the trick. ;-)

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