You will most probably not get cheaper flights.
But here is a good idea for you. If you are at all flexible, book your
flight for the last Friday in June to Paris, the first flight you can
get out that day. The airlines always overbook this flight. When you
get to the gate go up to the ticket agent and volunteer to be bumped.
They will put you on a later flight or else rigga morole you areound,
fly you first to Amsterdamn or somethng like that, and you will end up
with a free round trip ticket to go another time. So in other words
for a small inconvenience, you fly to Paris later that day or the next
day, you get to go back to Europe (your free ticket will jsut be for
Europe not to Paris) again next year.
The key to making this work is the last Friday in June. Also they will
take you above anyone else if you don't have checked luggage. Most
likely you will have checked luggage. What my husband and I have done
is, he stays on the flight we booked and takes all the luggage, then I
go on a different flight with no luggage. If you have this planned
out, where you are not wavering at an opportunity, but have thought
this out in advance you can literally keep going to Europe every year
for free if you simply book any big city form USA to Paris on the last
Friday of the year and take the bump.
I have been traveling to France for 30 years at least once a year,
there are no cheap summer time tickets to Paris. |