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Q: Beautiful women in cinema ( No Answer,   54 Comments )
Subject: Beautiful women in cinema
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Asked by: monroe22-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 10 Feb 2006 18:01 PST
Expires: 12 Mar 2006 18:01 PST
Question ID: 444383
Who are the three most beautiful women in cinema? Explain your choice.

Clarification of Question by monroe22-ga on 12 Feb 2006 00:02 PST
OK, all: 
1) Scarcely anyone has defended their choices, which is part of the
original question. So: choose the three most beautiful women in
cinema, with a brief (or lengthy) reason for each of your choices.
2) The question is so subjective that unanimous agreement is impossible.
3) The best defense, in other words the most compelling explanations,
wins the $20.
4) My personal choices are irrelevant to winning.

  An example of how to respond:
Capucine, for her elegant, perfectly chiseled, patrician features.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: weisstho-ga on 10 Feb 2006 18:56 PST
Without question:
1.  Lorretta Young
2.  Elizabeth Taylor
3.  Katherine Hepburn
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 10 Feb 2006 19:34 PST
weisstho-ga:  Good choices, but try again. 
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 10 Feb 2006 21:14 PST
Katherine Hepburn?


Write out ten times:

weisstho must try HARDER.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 11 Feb 2006 06:30 PST
Ingrid Bergman and Sophia Loren.  Do I have to explain why?
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: qed100-ga on 11 Feb 2006 06:54 PST
[1]- Lilith Prescott

[2]- Marjorie Corder

[3]- Miss Moneypenny
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: techtor-ga on 11 Feb 2006 07:20 PST
This is extremely subjective, though I suppose some could arrive on an
agreement as to who are the prettiest women in cinema history. Let me
give my vote:

- Raquel Welch - One of the most desired cinema goddesses of all time
- Audrey Hepburn - Classic girl at home beauty, unique and hard to
match for all time
- Traci Lords - Classic hardcore beauty, the face to beat when it
comes to hard and sexy

Though I suspect Monroe22 might be thinking of even little known actresses.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 11 Feb 2006 08:03 PST
How did I forget Raquel Welsh?!

Bryan, don't knock Katherine Hepburn.  Raquel went to a party
impersonating Katherine, very successfully, so the two must have had
something in common.
Furthermore, I take umbrage at any aspersions about someone who could
be called Kitty   -  my first girlfriend:  Pigtails in the inkwell in
second grade.  :-)
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: geof-ga on 11 Feb 2006 09:03 PST
From the past - Rita Hayworth (Gilda) & Claudia Cardinale (8½)
Present - Aishwarya Rai (Bride & Prejudice)
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: weisstho-ga on 11 Feb 2006 09:39 PST
Can we all agree on Loretta Young?,GGLJ:2006-0
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: weisstho-ga on 11 Feb 2006 09:42 PST
And Bryan - Katherine Hepburn was not an afterthought . . . I just
watched Philadelphia Story for the umpteenth time and I think she was
just WoW!

This would be a much easier question if it was the 1000 most beautiful
women in cinema . . .
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 11 Feb 2006 10:02 PST
Sorry Folk

But you are ALL wrong!

And you would still be wrong even if you had mentioned Hedy Lamarr.

The three most beautiful women in cinema are naturally enough English roses:

In no particular order:

1: Susan Hampshire (Oh those eyes!)

2: Diana Rigg (Did nobody see The Avengers?)

3: Jean Simmons (The best thing in Spartacus. Sorry Kirk.)

And as regards Katherine Hepburn, I could make myself look like her but NO THANKS!

If there were a 4th candidate it would have to be Sharon Stone because
she invited me to her beach party at Cannes Film Festival in 1990.

Sadly, I had to turm her down but I now feel I owe her one. (Am I forgiven Sharon?)

Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: weisstho-ga on 11 Feb 2006 10:35 PST
I'll give you Jean Simmons. You're right. Absolutely right. But Diana Rigg?
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: pinkfreud-ga on 11 Feb 2006 11:38 PST
I am amazed that nobody has mentioned Maureen O'Hara. Maybe, as a
redhead, I am just biased, but I've always thought she was one of the
great beauties of the screen.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: weisstho-ga on 11 Feb 2006 12:07 PST
I was remonstrated by my wife for forgetting . . . 

Grace Kelly

She's right
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 11 Feb 2006 12:23 PST
If it's a beautiful redhead that you want, how about Moira Shearer?

Sadly, she died very recently (on 31 January 2006), having just turned 80.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 11 Feb 2006 17:54 PST
weisstho-ga  Yes, a long list would be much easier, and the winners
could be decided by votes and rank. I chose three candidates to make
it more personal.
  To all: I have no argument with many of the choices. Of my three,
two have been mentioned so far. The third is not well-known, but not
Keep at it! It's fun and not provocative. Interesting that so far no
one has mentioned Marilyn Monroe. (No relation)
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: cynthia-ga on 11 Feb 2006 18:29 PST
I vote for Catherine Deneuve
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 11 Feb 2006 19:09 PST
Do I have to trade in one of the others to include Grace Kelly?

(Tom, it must keep you on your toes to have a wife who reads G-A. ;)

Redheads are great - especially Pinky.  I was very partial to one in
6th grade, but I will stick with my four.

Catherine Deneuve is, however, an excellent suggestion.  I believe
that she was once the model for France's "Marianne", which gets
remodeled after several years.
Where does Marianne appear?  Stamps?
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 12 Feb 2006 00:07 PST
myoarin: Marianne is the official feminine representation of France,
and typically shown in French Revolution garb.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 12 Feb 2006 01:14 PST
OK, Monroe22, so you've changed the rules.

You must be a politician. Right?

Here are my three lovelies (revised):

1: Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) because Oscar Wilde dubbed her
'Divine'. Also because who could ever forget her debut film 'Le Duel
d'Hamlet' (1900)? Evidently, a sword slipped and left her with only
one leg. So how many one-legged beauties have ever conquered the

2: Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) because this is a sop to her greatest
admirer, Monroe22. Yes I'm a politician, too. Also because she was the
sort of girl that you could take home to mother - provided dad was

3: Bernadette Peters (b 1948) because she reminds me of Pinkfreud, red
hair 'n' all. Also because of her memorable quote "You gotta be
original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you
for?" (Evidently, she was unaware that Pinkfreud was her

So, Monroe22, do I win?

I know I can rely on your integrity.

Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: elids-ga on 12 Feb 2006 08:17 PST
Goodness! nobody has mentioned the most beautiful of them all, unreal. 

Without a doubt Nicole Kidman, Tall forehead, small face, wide eyes,
full lips, button nose the standard of beauty in the western world.
She has a long incredibly well formed body, long legs,  slim long
neck, small waste, thin torso, milky white skin, delicate hands, she
is an embodiment of the definition of feminine.

The attributes of her beauty were named in order of importance according to me.

Just so that it doesn?t appear that I am somehow impartial, if I was
to look for defects on her, I would say that her breast could be
slightly larger, and her feet are too big.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: hlabadie-ga on 12 Feb 2006 10:02 PST
Vivien Leigh. As if "Gone With the Wind" (1939) were not enough, she
returned 12 years later as a blonde in "A Streetcar Named Desire,"
still with perfect features.

Gene Tierney. She became an iconic figure in Laura (1944) and has remained so.

Natalie Portman. Even heavily made up, her classic features cannot be hidden.

Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 12 Feb 2006 10:40 PST
To date, comments by techtor-ga, probonopublico and hlabadie-ga meet
the requirements: Three candidates, and a rationale for each. All were
elids-ga provided an expertly detailed defense for Nicole Kidman, but
none others. elids, add two more.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Feb 2006 11:22 PST
Less than 30 to choose from in two days of world wide exposure to the
question, which probably says a lot more about G-A activists than
about the variety of beautiful screen stars, whereby, there may be a
generation gap amoung us.

Let me put in a word for "my" Ingrid Bergman:  the epitomy of
Scandinavian beauty  - which also obviously appealed to her Italian
husband -  coupled with acting skill and the self-confidence to play
Golda Meier when she was dying of cancer.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 12 Feb 2006 15:02 PST
myoarin-ga:  Astute comment about the response rate and possible generation gap.
  I must demur with your choice of Ingrid Bergman. Admittedly she
would be named in any extensive poll. Yet, imho, her magnificent
acting skill is the real source of her beauty. If she were an actress
of average skills she would not be the famous beauty she is renowned
to be.. Her features lack delicacy. She is a Swede Steed. Yet, I
admire her far above my personal choices for the most beautiful
actresses. All this is of course purely subjective.
Regards, monroe22
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Feb 2006 15:16 PST
Monroe, I would love to answer this question, but I don't want to
disappoint. Am I on the right track here?

Maureen O'Hara isn't just a pretty face: she is a beautiful woman. It
is my belief that true feminine beauty is more than just a pleasing
arrangement of facial features. Beauty is also what shines through the
eyes and what is heard between the words when a woman speaks. Maureen
O'Hara is blessed with beautiful bone structure and a headful of
auburn hair that is effing amazing. But what sets her apart is the
ineffable. She personifies strength without bossiness and grace
without affectation.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Feb 2006 17:45 PST
Very well said, Pinky.  Maybe if I had been so eloquent about Ingrid 
- that all applies to her IMHO -  Monroe22 would not have cast her
aside so tactfully.
Okay, I'll keep her just for me (my Swedish blood).  :-)
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 12 Feb 2006 18:44 PST
pinky: If the question was directed to: Who is the most beautiful
red-haired actress in cinema, O'Hara would win hands down. But that
was not the question.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Feb 2006 19:20 PST

Sorry I missed the mark. I guess I still don't grasp the concept.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 12 Feb 2006 19:42 PST
Pink:  First, name three of the most beautiful women in cinema and
defend your choice. Maureen O'Hara definitely qualifies. Red hair is
not a prerequisite, but it is not a disqualifier. Does this help?
Nonetheless, I am tempted to accept your answer out of sheer
admiration of your skills.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Feb 2006 19:48 PST

One reason why you may not be getting what you'd hoped for is this:
questions in which only the best response will receives payment are
problematic. It's painful to work for a long time crafting something
and have it not be chosen. Most GARs have had the experience of
dancing the best they can, yet not being taken to the prom. ;-)
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Feb 2006 19:49 PST
Auggh. In my comment above, "will receives payment" should have been
"will receive payment."

I am not drunk, I swear. :-D
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 12 Feb 2006 20:47 PST
Pink:  First, despite my question being completely subjective, I am
looking for an answer that is clearly well thought out and eloquent. I
will add a generous tip to that respondent. I am not trying to abuse
the GARs. I hope to develop an interesting conversation, which has
happened. Repeat: My personal choices are irrelevant to the question.
The reward will not go to someone who picks my choices.
  Pink: I am also not drunk as I write this, but close.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 12 Feb 2006 23:40 PST
Dearest Pink

Please do not be discouraged!

I suspect that if you can name two other ladies and if you can do the
same sort of puff for them that you did for Maureen O'Sullivan (or
whoever) you will win at a canter.

I am confident that all the other Researchers lack your perception and
your talent for literary expression.

Allow me to help by suggesting that Hermione Gingold and Yvonne de
Carlo (in her later roles) are eminently worthy candidates.

All the Best

Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: writer89-ga on 13 Feb 2006 06:52 PST
There are, and have been, many beautiful women in cinema over the
years. But in answering this question, I have to disqualify all
present-day actresses because (1) they are mostly girls, not women,
and (2) beauty needs to stand the test of time. With that in mind (and
with the understanding that beauty is subjective, yatta yatta yatta),
I choose, in no particular order:

Grace Kelly: Her flawless, all-American beauty snagged many a
Hollywood hotshot (not all of them single) while she was in town, but
she said goodbye to them all and married a Prince instead. A real
fairy-tale princess.

Elizabeth Taylor: Her eyes alone were enough to put her in the top
three, but she had so much more than that, and in addition we watched
her grow up on screen, changing from a precociously beautiful little
girl to an incredible woman who actually learned to act.

Ingrid Bergman: In her prime, a closeup of her face (as in Casablanca)
was all that was needed to define the issue for the hero and for the
audience. On top of that, she could act, too.

Apologies to fans of Garbo (has not stood the test of time), Monroe
(her beauty was mostly a fantasy), and others who didn't quite make
it. As for modern actresses, let's see what Jessica Alba looks like in
20 years; she could beat them all, and I hope to be alive to see it.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: techtor-ga on 13 Feb 2006 07:01 PST
I've just thought that we seem to be Caucasian-centric in our
countries. I wonder if Monroe22 is willing to accept choices of other
races, as long as they can be defended?
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Feb 2006 07:41 PST
techtor-ga:  Absolutely! Race is irrelevant. In fact, in a sense, facial beauty
need not be a factor. An eloquent case for Marjorie Main or Anne
Revere could work.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Feb 2006 07:47 PST
Pinkfreud-ga: Bryan is correct. Two more done as well as your
description of O'Hara can do it.
  Allow me to clear up a misconception. I never disqualified Maureen
O'Hara or anyone else. What I said was: If the discussion were LIMITED
to red haired actresses, O'Hara would win hands down.
  By the way, Pink, if I may sneak in a question, what is the origin
of *hands down*?
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Feb 2006 07:50 PST
writer89-ga: Well done!
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: cendre23-ga on 13 Feb 2006 08:18 PST
1- Monica Belluci : the most beautiful girl of the galaxy ! and she
lives in my country : France. Yeahhhhh !!!!
2- catherine zeta jones : she's so woman, her body is perfect, eyes
are deep, great hair. She's with M.Douglas, so everyone has its chance
3- My wife, just married (6 month ago, pregnant of me). she made
cinema for me... on the beach near Saint-tropez
4- Elsa Zilberstein, french actress, a very white skin which gives her
a sweet little face with beautiful green eyes.
What do you think?
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Feb 2006 08:31 PST
cendre23-ga: Challenging, off-beat comment. I am unfamiliar with
Monica Belluci, looked her up on Google images. She is indeed a
striking beauty. For sheer physical beauty, she and Zeta-Jones are
indeed contenders.
  It appears that Belluci is a soft porn star, which qualifies as
cinema, I suppose.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 13 Feb 2006 09:17 PST
"hands down"
I can't support it with a reference, but I believe that it comes from
boxing, winning a fight without having to keep your "dukes" up,
without a defensive position:  hands down.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Feb 2006 09:59 PST
myoarin-ga:  Thanks...sounds right. (Forgive the digression from the
original question.)
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Feb 2006 11:10 PST
Surely 'Hands Down' is the opposite of 'Hands Up'.

'Hands Up' is a demand from a guy holding a rod.

Therefore 'Hands Down' is a demand without the need for any weaponry.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Feb 2006 13:14 PST
More digression, sorry: Another source of the phrase *(winning)hands
down* is from horse racing, when the jockey relaxes his grip on the
reins in an easy victory.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Feb 2006 18:13 PST
OK, all: This can of worms has gotten too wormy. Anyone who is a GAR,
re-submit your comment as an answer and collect, per my choice.
  I truly appreciate all the comments to my subjective question. I
have learned much. I hope everyone has enjoyed this.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Feb 2006 21:17 PST
Anyone who is a GAR?

Well that's let me in because a GAR is:

1: (noun):   primitive predaceous North American fish covered with
hard scales and having long jaws with needle-like teeth

2: (noun):   elongate European surface-dwelling predacious fishes with
long toothed jaws; abundant in coastal waters

I am decidely predacious and you should see my teeth.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 14 Feb 2006 05:26 PST
Okay, sure, Bryan, except for your fishy taste in women.  8-)

My vote goes to Write89-ga, of course, hands down.

Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Feb 2006 05:44 PST
Myo, R you sure you meant 'write89-ga'?

Because there's no such GAR!

What R you thinking?

Hands Up anyone who knows.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: myoarin-ga on 14 Feb 2006 07:09 PST
Sorry, of course I mean Writer89-ga.  I had visions of a couple of
blondes while I was scrolling back to find his name.

Cheers, Myo
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: monroe22-ga on 14 Feb 2006 08:04 PST
writer89-ga: Re-post your Feb 13 comment as an answer. I shall accept it.
Thanks, monroe22
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Feb 2006 08:39 PST
Well done writer89-ga and welcome to the Madhouse.

I see that you are a new inmate and from your handle I infer that you
are a writer and that most probably you were born in 1889 which makes
you a Senior Citizen by my reckoning.

Am I right?

Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: politicalguru-ga on 14 Feb 2006 10:00 PST
And no one has mentioned Jessica Rabbit.
Subject: Re: Beautiful women in cinema
From: weisstho-ga on 14 Feb 2006 15:15 PST
Jessica Rabbit!!  Of Course!  How Obvious.  

AND, She's a Redhead!

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