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An Analysis of the REAL WORLD Events Surrounding the Recent Report
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics Asked by: lobsterlobster-ga List Price: $100.00 |
11 Feb 2006 14:25 PST
Expires: 13 Feb 2006 04:10 PST Question ID: 444623 |
Hi, I'm looking someone to help me finish this assignment. An Analysis of the REAL WORLD Events Surrounding the Recent Report of the IAEA to the UNSC on the Matter of Iran?s Nuclear Program Write a scholarly analysis of the events surrounding the IAEA?s vote to report Iran to the United Nations Security Council regarding Iranian uranium enrichment. You can find a copy of the report at http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/international/20060204resolution.pdf. In your analysis you should do the following: (1) Explain what has happened that led the IAEA to make this decision. You should support your argument with citations from newspapers and other sources, such as the IAEA Web site (www.iaea.org) and readings and lectures from the course. (2) You should choose one of the three major international relations models?realism, liberalism or constructivism?and, using your chosen theoretical lens, explain why the events described in (1) happened. Again, be sure to utilize the readings and lectures in the course when you develop your model and how it applies to the current situation with the IAEA. (3) Briefly give a plausible prediction of what will happen next in the UN. How will the Security Council resolve the current impasse? Use your chosen theoretical lens to offer an explanation of what might happen next and why. Exam Guidelines: ? Your paper should be not more than 4,500 words long. Please number your pages and do a word count. ? The paper should be both handed in hard copy and emailed to Jessica Weeks no later than 10:00 a.m. before the class on Tuesday, 2/21/2006. ? You must write the essay entirely on your own. You may not discuss your essay with other students in the course. You may not consult with the Writing Center. Please sign the honor code. ? Under no circumstances should your essay be primarily a summary of the events of the simulation. You must explain the events and outcomes, not merely recount them. You will be evaluated on the basis of your social scientific thinking and careful analysis of the available materials. |
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Re: An Analysis of the REAL WORLD Events Surrounding the Recent Report
From: answerguru-ga on 11 Feb 2006 14:46 PST |
Interesting - I wonder if we are supposed to sign the honour code as ourselves or attempt to forge this individual's signature... Clearly, this is an exam question, which researchers are not allowed to answer. Do your own assignments. answerguru-ga |
Re: An Analysis of the REAL WORLD Events Surrounding the Recent Report
From: frde-ga on 12 Feb 2006 10:50 PST |
Read carefully: |You must write the essay entirely on your own. You may not discuss your essay with other students in the course. You may not consult with the Writing Center. Please sign the honor code.| a) Write on ones own - that is simplistically do not employ a typist b) Do not swap ideas/info with specified students c) Do not consult with (?) What is a 'writing centre' ? d) Sign something under duress (probably not legal) Short answer, something very nasty is going to happen in Iran. Guess who is being 'friendly', offering spiked up Uranium ? - Guess who they hate Think about what happened to Iraq when they tried building nuclear plants Who bombed them - check it out. My take is that quite a few nation states are aiming for a conversion of Iran back into what it used to be. The odd nuclear 'accident' by incompetent fanatics .. is not totally unpredictable. The United Nations (otherwise known of as the Worlds finest freeloaders) is about as much use as the League of Nations, nobody gives a toss about what they say. Personally I would start your essay with :- 1) I have consulted with opinionated swine on the internet 2) My understanding of their views are :- a) Russia detests fundamentalism b) Israel has the situation under close obversation c) The USA would like 'regime change' but is militarily stretched 3) It appears that USA detestation of the French and Russians is a facade - it is convenient to be on all sides of the negotiating table 4) Although I cannot validate this, it looks as if the British are sounding the ground for reactions to an internal 'regime change' in Iran As you probably do not know, after the 1917 revolution in Russia, the smarter people, including Lenin, realized that they were onto a loser. Something similar is almost certainly going on in Iran, the parallels between 1917 and 1979 are very interesting, and some Iranians know all about what happened in Russia. We are watching the death throes of fundamentalism in Iran, if sensible nobody will overtly intervene Back to the original point, what do you reckon that Russia was learning in 1979, while Iran was toppling into the dark ages ? History repeats itself, but some people learn. |
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