Hello Wantstoknow,
Following are the most believed urban legend which I sorted in order
of how often you come across them, and how many people really believe
in them. Since you are looking for "falsehood that is most commonly
believed" I will not list myths that turn out to be true. Often,
there's a bit of truth in them (or many people telling they're
actually completely true) -- in any case the fears of the cultural
subconscious expressed are very real. Please bare in mind that the
list presented is not the one definite order, but should give a good
1. Predicting the death of someone close in a dream, or dreaming of a
future accident that was then prevented due to the knowledge of it, or
dreaming of a future accident which then actually happened to oneself
If there should be only one answer, the above would be it for me. I
heard it in many variations, from teachers in school, friends and
family, or in newspaper and magazine stories.
You might take a statistical approach and ask how big a coincidence
would it be if indeed you dream of an accident or death of someone and
it happens -- compared to how often people dream of it and it doesn't
come true. Also a part of it can be self-fulfilling prophecy, and in
general the subconscious at night revealing more clues about reality
than we are able to see in daylight.
2. Snuff films exist
3. Coca-Cola invented Santa Claus as we know him today
4. Cigarette packages hide racist messages, like the three triangle
shapes of Marlboro as "KKK"
5. Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet
6. The USA faked the moon landing
7. The Pyramids were built by extra-terrestrials
8. Eskimos have 50 words for snow
9. Shakespeare didn't write the plays we think he wrote
10. "Paul is dead" hidden messages can be found in Beatles songs, and
"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" means "LSD"
11. "The Wizard of Oz" captures a suicide by one of its actors
12. "Frankenstein" is the name of a monster, and not the madman
scientist Victor Frankenstein that created it
13. The only terrestrial object to be seen by the naked eye from the
moon is the Great Wall of China
14. Armstrong's first words on the moon were "It's one small step for
a man, one giant leap for mankind." and not "It's one small step for
man ..." -- forgetting the intended "for _a_ man".
15. We use only a very small percentage of our brains
16. The Titanic was the first ship to send the SOS signal
17. Sherlock Holmes really existed
Hope this helps!
Search strategy:
I knew urbanlegends.com, and on Google researched
individual legends that are very common.
Search terms:
"pyramids were built by extra-terrestrials"
did sherlock holmes really exist
"sherlock holmes really existed"
cigarettes packages hiding racist messages kkk marlboro urban
usa faked moon landing urban legend
frankenstein's monster scientist people
kkk marlboro urban legend
"it's one small step for man"
"small step for man, a giant leap for mankind" |
Request for Answer Clarification by
24 Jul 2002 13:04 PDT
What an intriguing and unexpected answer for #1! And if you were to
include the stories about the people who missed a flight, or who
weren't in the WTC when they were supposed to be, and that type of
thing, this story is clearly very, very common.
Obviously, unless there were some poll done, there's no way to know
which of these tales people really believe the most. If I were to
guess, I'd pick #8, #15, #5 and #2.
Thanks much.