I am able to map a network share (right-click My Computer, select 'Map
Network Drive, put in drive letter and appropriate share name ,chcek
the 'Reconnect at Login' box), but the drive will not stay mapped when
the machine is rebooted. I have also tried the 'Connect Using a
Different Username' choice as well as the 'net use' command: net use
t: \\server\sharename, but I still have the same problem.
This user has about a dozen other drives mapped, and all re-map when
the machine starts up.
The user was recently set up on a new laptop and has not been able to
maintain the connection on the new laptop; no problem was noted on the
previous laptop, which was running Windows 2000.
The particular share in question was recently moved from an BDC NT
server to a 2003 server. No other users have reported this problem.
Any Ideas?
Thanks, Bill |