Hello plt,
Thank you for your question.
A number of sites answer how to move or dock the Office shortcut Bar.
First I came across is a set of Microsoft Office tips:
"...Q: How can I customise my Office toolbars?
A: You can move buttons on toolbars, add & delete buttons & even move
the entire toolbar where you want it to appear. To move buttons, press
ALT & use the mouse to drag buttons where you want them on the
toolbar. To add & delete buttons, right-click the toolbar & click
Customise. To move the entire toolbar, click the move handle (a set of
double stripes usually found on the left side of the toolbar) & drag
the toolbar where you want it. Dragging it to the centre creates a
floating toolbar, while dragging it to the sides or bottom of the
screen locks it there..."
My version of Office is '97, so I do not have the drag handles. But
left click and hold on the title bar allows me to drag and dock or
float as I desire.
Now, since your question was not totally clear and you meant the Quick
Launch bar from the taskbar (not an Office bar, part of the operating
system), then this page at Penn State mentions:
"...To Move your Quick Launch to the desktop
The Taskbar MUST BE unlocked. To check, right click on a blank area of
the Taskbar. Uncheck "Lock the Taskbar."
Click and hold on the dots on the Taskbar (between the start menu and
the Quick Launch area) and drag to your desktop. Move it where it
works for you..."
Microsoft says for Windows 2000:
"...Windows 2000
Right-click an empty area on the taskbar, click Toolbars, and then
click Quick Launch. If you right-click an empty area on the taskbar
and do not see the Toolbars option, click to clear the Lock the
Taskbar check box.
Notes? To resize the Quick Launch bar or to move it to another
location on the taskbar, point to the vertical bar on the left side of
the toolbar, and then drag it to the left or to the right.
? To create a floating toolbar, drag the toolbar from the taskbar to
the desktop..."
So this can be made floating.
This page descibes how to dock it to the top of your screen:
"...To move your Quick Launch Bar to the top of the screen like mine,
look for the vertical line to the left of the bar. Point to it with
your mouse until you see a double arrow show up. Then right click
and drag the bar up to the top. Don't worry if you drop it part way,
you can just grab it again..."
Using this technique I was able to dock to the sides of my screen as well.
Search Strategy:
move "office shortcut bar"
move "quick launch bar"
move "quick launch bar" +xp
I trust my research has provided you with ways to move botht the
shortcut bar and quick launch bar. If a link above should fail to work
or anything require further explanation or research, please do post a
Request for Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the
question and I will be pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |