I found manay sources for cell phone antenna boosters for you. I
thought you might like to read an informative article some newsfolks
Cell Phone Boosters: Does It Work?
After reading that, for the price, I would certainly try it.
First, there are dozens for sale at eBay:
Cell phone Antenna boosters (5 for $1 Booster .37 shipping)
Note the phone brand names at the left.
And other locations:
Cell Phone Antenna Signal Booster ($3.99 - free shipping)
Same as model below, but a LOT cheaper...
Internal Cell Phone Antenna Booster ($14.95)
..."This incredible internal antenna booster works on any Nokia,
Motorola, Ericsson, Audiovox, Samsung, Siemens, Panasonic, LGIC,
Nextel, Sprint, Neopoint, Hyundai, or any other brand digital or
analog cellphone or PCS wireless phone (As per the manufacturer of
this Internal Antenna Booster). Please note that it will not provide
signal where there is none. It can only show improvement where there
is already a weak signal..."
Other brands:
Internal / External Cell Phone Antenna Booster ($4.95 for 2 - Free Shipping)
..."Enhance your cellular phone's signal and reduce static with this
easy to install cell phone internal antenna. Works on analog, digital
and tri-band phones. This cell phone internal antenna fits all cell
phones.....Fed up with dropped calls and cell phone static
interrupting your important calls? The ultra-thin Cell Phone Antenna
Booster reduces static and substantially increases cell phone
reception in hallways, buildings, tunnels, remote areas -- any place
you can think of. Just place the Cell Phone Antenna Booster under your
internal battery or attach to the back of your phone and get better
reception...instantly! Works with any mobile phone..."
..."Tired of cell phone static interrupting important conversations?
Frustrated with broken connections at the most inconvenient times? The
ultra-thin Cell Phone Antenna Booster substantially enhances the
signal intensity and increases cell phone reception in elevators,
cars, trains, remote areas?any place you can think of. Simply attach
the Cell Phone Antenna Booster to the back of your phone or place it
under your internal battery for better reception?instantly! The Cell
Phone Antenna Booster works with any mobile phone. Offer Includes:
Cell Phone Antenna Booster. FREE Gift: Wave Shield (reduces harmful
electric waves that can enter through the ear)..."
If that does not work for you, you won't be out much cash and you can
then try the next level of antennas:
Cell Antenna
This site offers many solutions. You may need to go to their Q&A page
to find out what may work best for you.
If I can be of further assistance in regards to booster antennas,
please don't hesitate to ask via the "Request For Clarification"
Search terms used at Google:
Cell phone antenna booster compare |
Clarification of Answer by
27 Dec 2004 20:42 PST
I have emailed the editors about this Question, my Answer, your
Clarification, also linking to your other Questions so they may decide
what is best.
Whatever they say, goes.
Of course, you may ask for a refund at any time, that is your right.
Request for Answer Clarification by
28 Dec 2004 08:56 PST
I have requested a reposting. I feel your answer is non-responsive. I
do not get a sense that you have working knowledge of my topic, but
rather have done basic Google searches and commented on them, which
anyone can do. I can elaborate but would prefer not to. I prefer to
just repost and, hopefully, get a response from someone who
understands the technology. You did not address the subcontractor
issue, either.