Dear Jimen,
Elvis' mother, Gladys, was deeply religious Pentecostal. His sister,
Nash Presley became a Pentecostal minister, and his grandfather was
also a Pentecostal minister.
Elvis later broke with the Pentecostal Church, which considered his
music to be sinful. Elvis said in response "I think that hurt me more
than anything else at first. This man was supposed to be a religious
leader, yet he acted that way without ever knowing who I was or what I
was like, I believe in the Bible. I believe that all good things come
from God.?I don't believe I'd sing the way I do if God hadn't wanted
me to. My voice is God's will, not mine."(1)
However, the gospel music heard in the Assemblies of God chruches
inspired him. In addition, biographers comment that "from his
childhood in Tupelo-sitting in the open-air meetings of the
fundamentalist Assembly of God church-to his final soul-searching
years, he was influenced by the Bible and its teachings."(2)
Elvis later became a "seeker", tasting many different faiths, but
according to his own account, has never left the Pentecostal Church.
Wikipedia, Elvis Persley, "Gospel Roots",
(1) Steve Beard, "Showing Elvis grace: A response to Charles Colson's
BreakPoint Commentary" Thunderstruck,
(2) ibid
The Religious Affiliation of Rock and Roll Pioneer Elvis Presley
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me uf you need any
further clarifications on this answer before you rate it. My serch
terms: [Elvis Presley religious beliefs] |