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why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
Category: Relationships and Society Asked by: rockysmomlv-ga List Price: $3.00 |
22 Feb 2006 14:33 PST
Expires: 24 Mar 2006 14:33 PST Question ID: 448536 |
I have several friends that appear very 'put together' in every sense. they have great careers,very attractive, intelligent, self reliable,etc...BUT either no man or with a man that treats them poorly. The friend i'm most concerned is with this guy for 6 yrs, and they have a child age 5. Their child doesn't even want to be around them. Child says they fight too much. The guy calls my friend terrible names all the time. Most of the names are "Your stupid" or 'your retarded'.They live together and he won't give her a key to the house, and if she's not home by 8:00pm he'll lock her out.She's 27yrs. old, and has parents that help with their child and she has a room in their home. PLUS she owns her own home,but rents it out. I realize she needs to grow up and get the heck away from this man, but she can't seem to. He cheats and girls call while she's at his house.He always has an answer for her, like" well you moved out so do you expect me to sit here and cry", or says it's buisness related...she makes excuses for him, because he was abused by his dad and his school teacher called him stupid(in 5th grade), and this is why he does this to her. When she does leave him temporarily, she'll always immediatly go out with another guy, and feels it's 'pay back'...I've told her it's not pay back and only hurting herself...I know i can't change her or fix anyones problems, but the abuse is constant and they've both been to jail for domestic violence, and she's been to counslers...nothing seems to help!! Her parents don't seem to help her,except for taking care of the child...They allow him(boyfriend)to come over their home,etc...I guess my main question is why do woman stay in this type of relationship and what can I do to help her (if anything) Thanks |
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Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: mister4u-ga on 22 Feb 2006 17:56 PST |
Women like men like that for basically the same reason that Elvis was popular, they're attracted to someone who behaves like an idiot. |
Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: steph53-ga on 22 Feb 2006 19:59 PST |
rockysmomlv... This is hard to explain... Some women just cannot function/live alone without a man/partner...no matter how bad they are treated. I, too, have had friends that cannot live alone so therefore they choosen/chosed to remain in an "abusive" relationship only because they cannot live alone... Its a sad turn of events but there is no justifying it if the partners choose to remain... Steph53 |
Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: irlandes-ga on 23 Feb 2006 19:52 PST |
Yes, that does sound pretty bad. However, if you wish to know just how bad it can be, get a copy of PRONE TO VIOLENCE by Erin Pizzey. She started the first modern domestic violence shelter a long time ago in UK. It seems that all we have been taught about DV simply isn't true. Of the first 100 women who came to her shelter, around half of them were the most violent people she had ever encountered in her career as a woman's advocate. When she first wrote it, she had to leave the UK because of death threats -- from women. The book was suppressed for many years, so was available free on the Web. Finally, it was printed and so removed from free access, but should be available -- somewhere. |
Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: techtor-ga on 23 Feb 2006 21:32 PST |
I found Erin Pizzey's book on http://www.bennett.com/ptv/index.shtml One other explanation I've thought of is that some women believe that they could change their man, that myth that a person can change another person. It may be superiority complex on the part of the woman, or desire to stick to the man no matter what... or whatever... |
Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: chansjsu-ga on 25 Feb 2006 00:48 PST |
If you ever listen to the show Loveline on the radio, you'll hear A LOT of questions about the same subject. In most cases, it appears that women who get into relationships with abusive men have been abused themselves earlier in their lives. Dr. Drew explains that it's just how we're wired, that the most traumatic things that happen to us in our early lives somehow become a very strong source of attraction when we're older. I know it's messed up, but that's how it is. She really needs to realize that she's in a bad place and needs to get her life back on track; leave the loser and seek help from a professional. |
Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: stewrew-ga on 28 Feb 2006 11:46 PST |
the first thing to realize when talking about this question is that attraction is not logical. it logically makes sense not to be in an abusive relationship, but on an emotional level attraction & "love" are more powerful than any logic. one reason that women may seek abusive relationships is because they were abused early in life by parents are others that they loved. their brains - on an emotional level - associate abuse with love because these are the conditions under which they were raised. its a big problem and counciling is probably the best answer. |
Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: greengo-ga on 02 Mar 2006 19:56 PST |
this question is hard to explain coz ive tried to save a few girls from the same situation. the 1st reason y the girls stand the abuse is their personality. they are weak, afraid, require protection and cannot make decision for them selves. this type of people do exist and if unlucky to meet with the abusive male then it will happen. abusive males tends to be very dominent and for that reason the weak girls will stay with them, they are being protective and destructive at the same time. the males will control all aspect of the girl life, including money and trust me they really are dominent coz ive got into a few fist fight with them. 2nd reason is love. its a really complicated feeling when u love and need someone but at the same time being abuse. 3rd reason is the male and female are of the same type. they fight with each other everyday and not many people can be like that. so they stay with the people that can stand their abuse and at the same time being abuse as well. its sick but these type of people better let them be. |
Lack of love.
From: vang_explainer-ga on 19 Mar 2006 21:07 PST |
There is no love in that relationship. The reason they are staying together is for fulfillment of various needs. Sexual fulfillment is the most common reason, and I'm assuming it's the driving force for the boyfriend. He cheats when he thinks he won't get any, or when he thinks he can get better sexual fulfillment elsewhere, however he'll stay with the girlfriend for the assurance that it gives him. That is, if she is around he has a much higher probability of having sex than if he was alone. The other things I'm seeing them looking for are: Sense of importance (She is dumber than me, therefore I am not dumb) Sense of duty (The child needs a father, even if the father is flawed) Preserving sentimentality (Think of the good times) It's important to realize that these fulfilling these wants and desires are not needed for survival, unlike food, water, shelter, etc. HOWEVER, when the mind gives these fulfillments the importance of being necessary (for example: "If I don't have sex every night, I will die") it is very easy for the act to change from something that is desired to an addicted behavior. It sounds like the two people in that relationship are very addicted to their behaviors, and it is important for them to know that without love, a long-term relationship will NEVER be completely fulfilling! That goes equally for family relationships, friendships, and marriages. Love is doing whatever is in the best interest of a person. |
Re: why some women stay with abusive men(beyond having a low self esteem)??
From: dichotomous_soul-ga on 19 Mar 2006 23:27 PST |
There are a lot of women who grew up with abusive parents (especially fathers) and they stay with abusive men because that is something that they are comfortable with. (Just like how men with abusive mothers often go for abusive women). Very Freudian, I know... Many women haven't been taught that they deserve better. There are also many people who victimize themselves. They are comfortable with always being hurt and toyed with because they were not taught to demand better in life. Many people also like CHOOSING to be victims because sometimes they don't know any better, sometimes they're not mature enough, sometimes the like having the melodrama in their lives, and sometimes just because it makes them the center of attention and receive lots of pity. With people like this, you can't help them because they don't WANT to be helped. If your female friends are told they deserve better than to be called names or locked out or physically abused, then it's up to them to get themselves out of that bad situation. In fact, a little "tough love" on your behalf might help them more than coddling them. If you pity them and ego-stroke them, you're just endorsing their bad habits of staying with awful men- they'll always go back to their men when they want to get abused, and then come back to you (or their other coddling friends), feeling sorry for themselves when they want someone to pat them on the head and tell them that they don't have to take control of their lives and leave the jackass. Here's a good website to send female friends to this address: http://groups.msn.com/NARCISSISTICPERSONALITYDISORDER/ourgroup.msnw It's a caring group of people (the web boards are the best) that talk about why people hurt others, and the victims all talk about their bad experiences and how they snapped out of the mindset that they should allow someone to treat them badly. Or this one, which will give you more answers: http://www.faqfarm.com/Q/FAQ/1880 Final note: I hope this didn't sound unkind or misogynist. I'm actually a woman who finally wisened up and left an abusive guy, and it hurts me to hear of other women who keep putting up with that bs. |
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