The best way to respond would be to write a letter indicating that you
made two estimated tax payments that were not credited, their amounts
and the dates they were made, the method of payment, and to provide
copies of any proof of payment you have supporting your claim. If the
materials you received did not indicate where to send a response, you
can contact the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services at
If you filed Form CT-1040ES, you should be able to get a copy of your
cashed checks from the financial institution hosting your checking
account. Particularly if you remembered to write 2005 Form CT-1040ES
on them, they would be compelling evidence that you made the payments.
Money orders typically have a receipt associated with them which will
contain instructions how to obtain a photocopy of the cashed money
order. Likewise, if you paid by credit card, you should have an entry
on your credit card statements. If you do not presently have a copy
of the relevant statements, you should be able to get a copy from your
credit card issuer either by calling customer service or by visiting
their web site. An electronic payment using WebFile should similarly
have left a record in your bank account statements showing the
withdrawals that you can use to prove payment. WebFile may also have
provided you with a confirmation number each time.
If you have any additional questions or difficulties resolving your
problem, "You have the right to request assistance from a taxpayer?s
rights advocate if you have a complaint or problem. The DRS Problem
Resolution/Taxpayer Advocate Office is responsible for facilitating
the resolution of taxpayer complaints and problems not resolved
through normal administrative channels, including any complaints
regarding unsatisfactory treatment by DRS employees. If you have a tax
problem that is not in litigation or subject to enforcement action,
and you are unable to resolve the matter through normal channels, call
860-297-5603, or write to: DRS Problem Resolution/Taxpayer Advocate
Office, 25 Sigourney Street, Hartford CT 06106-5032."
"Your Rights as a Connecticut Taxpayer" State of Connecticut
Department of Revenue Services (2004)|
Additional sources:
"2005 Estimated Individual Income Tax" State of Connecticut Department
of Revenue Services (2004)
"Form CT-1040ES" State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services
"Connecticut Web File Program" State of Connecticut Department of
Revenue Services (2004)
"FAQs: Western Union Money Order" (2006)
Search terms: "Money order" receipt; Connecticut income tax |