Hi, thank you for submitting your question to Answers.Google, I hope I
can provide the information you are seeking.
Without asking you to disclose what you?ve done, I will presume that
you are talking about a sort of general amnesty ? what is referred to
in Catholic dogma as a plenary indulgence.
You can find a quick overview of the various ways to earn a plenary
indulgence at http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/indulge/plenary.htm
Among the modern twists to obtaining an indulgence is that you can
gain one by merely listening to the Pope give Benedictio Papalis
(Papal Benediction) on the radio. The Holy Father does this on various
occasions and this is probably your simplest method.
You also receive a plenary indulgence at First Communion and this
includes not only the communicate but also those assisting in the
sacred ceremony.
Another method is to visit a certain location, ?Visit to the
Patriarchal Basilicas in Rome (Basilicarum Patriarchalium in Urbe
visitatio)A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful, who
devoutly visit one of the four Patriarchal Basilicas in Rome, and
there recite one Our Father and the Creed:?
More information is given at:
and, direct from The Vatican
The catch with all of these is that you must be sincere, here are the
basic additional requirements given by the Handbook of Indulgences,
$12.95 in hardcover ISBN: 0-89942-585-2.
?that the person truly repudiate and be sorry for all sin, mortal and venial;
reception of Holy Communion on the day the indulgence is sought;
Sacrament of Penance several days (not specified how many) before or
after the indulgence is sought; and prayer (which can in the form of
an Our Father and a Hail Mary) for the intentions of the Pope on the
day the indulgence is sought.?
There is also a limit of one per day unless you are receiving Last Rights.
The Google search term I began with was: plenary indulgence
Thank you again for turning to Answers.Google for help. I believe this
answers your question. |