I am looking for a table showing how much vegetable oil you can
produce using saltwater kelp/seaweed per acre per year.
This link shows vegetable oil per acre for land plants, so I would
love something like this for seaweed/kelp:
This says that some freshwater algaes can be 50% oil:
And here it says that kelp is large brown algae:
So it seems like some kelps could have significant oil content.
I will pay $15 for just oil content of at least 5 types of saltwater
seaweed/kelp and a tip of $15 if you can say how much kelp/seaweed
can be grown per area of ocean per year. Also an extra tip for more
than 5 types. |
Clarification of Question by
03 Jan 2005 14:36 PST
I upped the base payment to $40. So what was the first $15 above is now $40.
The rest is the same.
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Jan 2005 10:48 PST
Hi vincecate,
In regards to a table, is this suitable?
Concentrations of chlorophyl a, protein, carbohydrate and lipid in 16
species of micro-algae commonly used in aquaculture (modified from
Brown, 1991).
(lipid=fat and fat-like esters).
Clarification of Question by
04 Jan 2005 12:06 PST
Not what I want (though interesting), I am not asking about about
"micro-algae" only macro-algae or kelp/seaweed.
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Jan 2005 12:23 PST
Ok, vincecate. How about this [click on the link for more details]?
P. tricornutum (Thomas strain): 19.8%
D. primolecta: 23.1% lipid.
M. salina: 20.7%
T. sueica: 23.1%
B. braunii: 29%
Overall Conclusions
"Of the species examined, P. tricornutum and T. sueica had the highest
overall productivities. These species also had the highest lipid
productivities, which were 4.34 and 4.47 g lipid?m-2?d-1,
respectively. For both species, the maximal productivities were
obtained in batch cultures, as opposed to semi-continuous or
continuous cultures. Although the lipid contents of cells were often
higher in response to N deficiency, the lipid productivities of all
species tested were
invariably lower under N deficiency because of an overall reduction in
the culture growth rates. For the species tested under continuous or
semi-continuous growth conditions, lipid productivities were reduced
from 14% to 45% of the values measured for N-sufficient cultures.
In Southern California, for example, a factory will soon be producing
biodiesel from algae. The algae will be grown in ponds, which will
process the animal waste from local feedlots, a serious local toxic
waste issue. Lipids are harvested from the algae in copious quantities
to produce a renewable source of oil for biodiesel. In addition, the
algae pond produces enough recoverable methane to generate power for
the entire operation. In this way, one system's waste becomes another
system's raw material.
The bulk of the natural oil made by oilseed crops is in the form of
triacylglycerols (TAGs). TAGs consist of three long chains of fatty
acids attached to a glycerol backbone. The algae species studied in
this program can produce up to 60% of their body weight in the form of
TAGs. Thus, algae represent an alternative source of biodiesel, one
that does not compete with the existing oilseed market."
Clarification of Question by
04 Jan 2005 16:07 PST
You "click here" link near the top of your last comment did not work.
But searching for those species I found:
And here they says these are microalgae:
Work carried out under this subcontract represented one of the first
attempts by an ASP
subcontractor to characterize the productivity and lipid yields of
various microalgae. Six algal
strains (B. braunii, Dunaliella primolecta, Isochrysis sp.,
Monallanthus salina, Phaeodactylum
tricornutum, and Tetraselmis sueica) were obtained from existing
culture collections and ...
And your link near the end did not show info for seaweeds or kelp as far as
I could see.
So again, I want macroalgae/seaweed/kelp, not microalgae.
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Jan 2005 17:11 PST
Hi again,
I only posted the one link - my first sentence was just a suggestion
to view the pdf for more details.
British Columbia, Canada:
"Six kelp species have been successfully farmed in British Columbia.
Test farming in British Columbia and Washington State has indicated
that up to 40 wet tonnes of kelp may be produced per acre per year
and, where conditions warrant two crops per year, up to 64 wet tonnes
may be produced."
Sorry I haven't had more luck,
Clarification of Question by
04 Jan 2005 17:56 PST
The 40 to 64 tonnes/acre/year is interesting.