Your friend must make a motion in the court that convicted him to get
his record expunged. If charges were dismissed, he can refer to
Kentucky Revised Statutes 431.076, which begins:
"(1) A person who has been charged with a criminal offense and who has
been found not guilty of the offense, or against whom charges have
been dismissed with prejudice, and not in exchange for a guilty plea
to another offense, may make a motion, in the District or Circuit
Court in which the charges were filed, to expunge all records
including, but not limited to, arrest records, fingerprints,
photographs, index references, or other data, whether in documentary
or electronic form, relating to the arrest, charge, or other matters
arising out of the arrest or charge."
If charges have not been dropped, your friend can still ask the court
to expunge his record, but he has to wait five years from the end of
his sentence or probation. This is assuming he was convicted of a
misdemeanor. See (
For a list of Kentucky court addresses, see
Please remember that this is not legal advice. Your friend should see
a lawyer.
Good luck.
Search strategy:
Kentucky courts
Kentucky code
://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=Kentucky+code |
Clarification of Answer by
25 Jul 2002 15:20 PDT
First of all, I apologize for a mistake. I forgot that the friend was
convicted of felonies, not misdemeanors, so KRS 431.078 would not
Secondly, I would like to thank expertlaw-ga for his comment. To apply
for a pardon from the governor of Kentucky, use the following address:
Governor of Kentucky
700 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502)564-2517 (fax)
That's from (http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/restorevote/Kentucky.htm), a
U.S. Justice Department site.