The Kingston Coal Co. was founded in Danville, Pa., by Isaac Waterman,
Thomas Beaver, Daniel Edwards, Daniel Morgan and George Geisinger in
the 1880s, according to the Iron Heritage Festival
The company owned many anthracite mines in Kingston and Plymouth
townships, says the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection (http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dms_apps/anthracite2.asp?company_name=Kingston+Coal+Company).
The Luzerne County Historical Society (formerly the Wyoming Historical
and Geological Society) has photographs of the company, according to
the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
As Websearcher-ga says, Daniel Edwards, superintendent of the company,
was the namesake of Edwardsville, Pa. For confirmation, see Rootsweb's
town history at (http://www.rootsweb.com/~paluzern/patk/edward.htm)
On Feb. 13, 1894, 13 miners died in a collapse at a Kingston
mine(http://www.rootsweb.com/~paluzern/mines/ply1894.htm). In 1930,
four miners died in an explosion
Employees from 1893 mentioned on the Rootsweb include:
--Thomas Durkin, born in Sligo,
--Another miner, Edward T. Evans, from Wales
--The "barn boss," George W. Trimble, a native
--Thomas J. Morgan, outside foreman, from Wales
--William H. Cook, carpenter, from Yorkshire, England
The company existed as late as the 1990s, at least in name. The
Pennsylvania Secretary of State says a report for the company was
filed at the end of last year. The secretary of state's online record
does not list any company officials' names but gives an address of 936
Market St., Kingston, PA 18704.
Several Web sites mention a lawsuit named Kinston Coal Co. v. Felton
Mining Co. that was decided in Pa. Superior Court in 1997. I could not
find the opinion online.
For more information, contact the Luzerne County Historical Society in
Wilkes-Barre at (570) 823-6244.
Good luck with your search.
search strategy:
"Kingston Coal Co."
"Kingston Coal Company"
Luzerne County history
://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=Luzerne+County+history |