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Unknown old English or Irish word
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: pdq2-ga List Price: $5.00 |
02 Jan 2005 10:01 PST
Expires: 01 Feb 2005 10:01 PST Question ID: 450461 |
I have a manuscript letter from Ireland dated 1696, which uses the word "nauan" twice. The sentence reads: "You are to go to Christopher Jackson in ye nauan att ye signe of ye Yorkeshire Gray, and enquire for Charles mackannary, a richman, he uses [used or uset?] every day on market tyme in nauan to bee att ye Yorkeshire Gray, ye said mackannary lives six miles beyond Kelly." Does anyone know the meaning of the word "nauan"? | |
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Re: Unknown old English or Irish word
Answered By: leli-ga on 20 Jan 2005 09:46 PST Rated: ![]() |
Thank you very much for inviting me to put my thoughts in the answer space! After taking a look at your document, I was fairly sure it said Kells, not Kelly. I had seen that long thin 's' shape before, and had heard of Kells. After finding the three towns on a map, and seeing the writer's "euery" and "liues", the Navan-Kells-Virginia connection persuaded me that we had found your "nauan". The road linking them seems to be an old route along the valley of the Blackwater River. Navan is a traditional market town with a market square, shown in the 19th century picture on this page: http://www.e-navan.com/history.html I don't know if you've already seen this rather nice 1837 map of Co. Meath: http://indigo.ie/~rcd/SamuelLewissmaps/meath_GIF.html It can be useful to look at a map drawn up before modern road-building, even if it's not from the period you're studying. May I suggest that the Mackannery surname is probably written here with an 'e' before the 'r'? This and some other letters seem to be written in the old handwriting style called "secretary hand": for example, the 'e's in "three". You can see examples of this kind of 'e' here: http://www.scottishhandwriting.com/content/default.asp?page=s3_1_2 Many thanks to you again. I enjoyed looking into this. Good luck with your research - Leli searches: old maps Ireland ://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=old+maps+ireland&btnG=Search&meta=cr%3DcountryIE Navan market history ://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=Navan+market+history&btnG=Search&meta= |
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Re: Unknown old English or Irish word
From: markj-ga on 02 Jan 2005 10:26 PST |
I would guess that it is one of the many variant spellings of the word "noon," although my Oxford English Dictionary doesn't refer to that specific variation. |
Re: Unknown old English or Irish word
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 04 Jan 2005 23:58 PST |
Kelly could be a person's name, and the reference could be to his residence. "Person A lives six miles beyond person B" is a reasonable construction. Could Virginia be a person's name also? If there is a town called Navan, that surely seems like a good bet, esecially since u and v are or have been virtually interchangeable in some contexts. As written it seems to be more a place name than a time. Also, as you note, lack of initial cap is not very strong evidence that the word is a common noun. I suggest you compare the middle character with the second letter in "Every" and see what you think. Archae0pteryx |
Re: Unknown old English or Irish word
From: leli-ga on 05 Jan 2005 04:34 PST |
What about Kells, not Kelly? That seems plausible if you compare the last letter with other 's' and 'y' styles in the document. Kells, also called Ceanannus Mór, is in County Meath roughly halfway between Navan and Virginia. See: ://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=navan++kells++virginia&btnG=Search&meta= "In the (ye) Navan" sounds slightly odd, but perhaps it's a way of saying "in/at the Navan market"? Leli |
Re: Unknown old English or Irish word
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 05 Jan 2005 20:33 PST |
Oh, excellent, Leli! I don't know if we're going to hear anything more from pdq2, but I am applauding. The final character of "lives" and "miles" (and "uses"--apparently the present-tense form of our "used to," expressing customary action, as now) is unmistakably the same as the ending stroke of "Kells." I think you've solved it and shown that the target word could only be Navan. Tryx |
Re: The Answer To Your Question Is Perception & Re-Direction.
From: britbuilt-ga on 18 Jan 2005 19:25 PST |
Hello Folks. It would be great if there was a new town found, and I will keep my mind open to it. The Irish language in this period was completely different in accent to the way it is today, the context is descriptive, Markj is correct. "Nauan" means Noon and is Welsh. It also has an older Scottish cousin "Nauna" meaning the entire afternoon or all of the middle of the day. It is only still present in the Gaelic dialect of two welsh fishing towns, I think it's Barmouth & Twyn (also spelt nauan) and strangely enough is integrated into Mauritian French/Creole also meaning noon (spelt naoone) possibly as a result of a group of 36 Irish builders & labourers commissioned by the Dutch Navy in 1669 to build a forted town & port for Dutch sugar exports in Mauritius. The port I assume was completed and 3 of the Irish builders were returned in 1677 to the Cornish town of St Just by the Dutch navy who stayed for 3 days to rest before returning 1 of the three to Ballycotton, Ireland. Again stopping for 3 days and reportedly having a "merry time". The Dutch seamen then set sail returning to Mauritius. It is generally thought that the rest of the labourers decided to remain in Mauritius after the work was completed due to vague references of foreign, strange speaking craftsmen marrying the locals etc etc. All but 1 of the Irish builders were recorded to have died during the commission, a young man by the name of Felke Tromp (Nicknamed by a Dutch admiral possibly relating to the Dutch admiral Marten Tromp) who was a boy when leaving for Mauritius and was trapped underwater and drowned whilst building a damn at the port with his father. I think that there was a book on Felke Tromp & the port which would explain all about it, please let me know if any of you folks know what it is called & who it is by. I am assuming the father to be the man returned to Ballycotton because of a reference to a man in Kilkenny of the period who spoke of "a distant land of beauty, and ships carrying all of the sugar in the world," and the loss of a son. He again, spoke in a strange tongue, perhaps from working with the Dutch. There was a lot of pirate activity off the south coast of England during this period and I vaguely remember reading a British naval ships log reporting boarding a pirate vessel that had just raided and sunk a Dutch cargo ship during the period of the Anglo-Dutch wars. The Dutch crew returned the 3 men during peacetime so lets hope it wasn't the same crew and that our Dutch friends returned home safely. Further Reading: The Mystery of Mauritius, Brochure Celtic Ancestry, Malcolm Phelps. Tales from the Irish Sea, Patrick O'donell. Who Are the Cornish Anyway?, Steph Cannings. Smugglers & Pirates of Southern England, Museum Brochure Great Seamen, (Readers Digest, I Think) Maurice to Mauritius, Frederick Doyle I hope that this information is of help to you. Please let me know if any of you get more leads on this. www.britishbuilding.com/buildinghistory.htm http://www.british-civil-wars.co.uk/military/first-anglo-dutch-war.htm |
Re: Cognitive Freedom, over easy suggestion.
From: britbuilt-ga on 18 Jan 2005 22:45 PST |
Hey There History Fans: The Yorkshire Gray was a public house in Yorkshire during this period, Gray being the American/Old English Spelling of the colour grey. There have been many pubs with the name of Yorkshire Gray/Grey in the UK dating back prior to the 17th century and they are still in operation today, There would more than likely have been a pub named the Yorkshire Gray in the US at this point to make migrating workers feel at home. Using a pub sign as a landmark suggests that they are in the countryside where names of the residents houses are used to navigate more accurately and offer more familiarity than mileage from town to town. E.g., Present grammar style; wait at the pub sign, not the pub itself at noon precisely (market=mark=precisely or exact, e.g. on your marks) he lives about 3 miles past the Holls and just round the corner from Virginia. The grammar, capitalisation etc. for the time period would have been correct, and this person would have been considered highly educated. During this period Holls (not Kelly, the handwriting is that bad, relax your eyes) was a very popular name in: Scunthorpe, Yorkshire. Virginia USA & Ireland. And is still concentrated in these areas. The person (lady) who wrote this letter would have been very well to do and involved in high society, she was raised in Ireland or Wales due to the spelling of noon and was probably connected to all of these names & places that you will come across in some way. I think that the Yorkshire Gray referred to in this letter is the one in Fitzrovia London, a country pub at the turn of the 17th century during the Anglo-Dutch Wars. There would have been a lot of British naval servicemen & well to do officers in the ?Big Smoke? during this period. This letter is from a madam to her employee instructing her to visit a customer in war time London (see the context of the word ?user?. Wartime letters are more commonly preserved by people because of the emotional weight that they carry. It is possible that a relationship ensued between the courting couple and that the letter was preserved when the officer returned to sea never to return. Perhaps he met pirates off the south coast! All of these names and places are heavily linked, delve deep and you will not be disappointed. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/9857/gray_page_3/gray.html http://homepage.ntlworld.com/john.gray16/tree/ http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/show.shtml/916/Yorkshire_Grey/Fitzrovia http://goldengoa.org/focot_nauan.htm http://www.hollselectrical.co.uk/ http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=holls+family+tree&ei=UTF-8&fr=fp-tab-web-t-1&fl=0&vc=&x=wrt&meta=vc%3D |
My Auntie shops at the Tesco in Nauan.
From: britbuilt-ga on 21 Jan 2005 13:58 PST |
There is a town called Nauan in the Rebublic of Ireland. http://www.tesco.com/investorInformation/report99/content/stor_net.html |
Re: Unknown old English or Irish word
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 21 Jan 2005 23:52 PST |
Britbuilt, Ireland was in the first line of the original question. Archae0pteryx |
Re: Unknown old English or Irish answers.
From: britbuilt-ga on 22 Jan 2005 02:02 PST |
That's right optrex, well done, are you a genius? |
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