Dear baird37,
The Italian Ministry of Education maintains an online database of all
Italian schools, both public and private.
Follow this link to search for public schools:
Follow this link to search for private schools:
Enter the following values to search for schools in Rome:
Provincia [Province] - "Roma" (in the 'Lazio' section)
Comune [Municipality] - "Roma"
Tipologia [School Type] - Choose among the different types of schools
in the Italian education system; choose "(Tutte)" for all school
types. For example, at the end of the pulldown-list, scuola primaria
and scuola secondaria stand for the approximate counterparts of
elementary school and secondary school.
Do not use the last two fields. Click the "Cerca" [Search] button, and
you will get a list of public schools with their names, addresses and
telephone numbers. The "avanti" link at the end of each results page
means "advance".
Hope this is what you were looking for!
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