I am looking for a driver?s license number and Passport-ID validation
scripts. I need it primarily for USA and Canada, but it would be great
to have checkers world wide.
For example, if a person in Canada inputs into an online form
?M03013882730601? for his Canadian driver?s license number, and he is
using this to validate himself as a ?real? person, how can we as a
company verify that this number is real and not fake?
I know there are several Credit Card number checkers on the market as
well as SIN checkers. An example of a SIN checker is to take every
other number, double it, then add the two numbers together if double
digits, then add all the numbers together ? the answer must be
divisible by 10 ? if not, then the number is bogus. We need a similar
algorithm to check Driver?s License and Passport IDs. It is my
understanding that all government issued identification is verifiable.
My exhaustive web search has only provided my with SIN, SSN and Credit
Card validators. I still need Driver?s License and Passport IDs.
Please reply with one answer as soon as it is found. Please do not
wait until both are found.
Thank You |