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Speaking in Tongues
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: benjaminpearson-ga List Price: $2.00 |
03 Jan 2005 23:04 PST
Expires: 02 Feb 2005 23:04 PST Question ID: 451510 |
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Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: pugwashjw-ga on 05 Jan 2005 01:05 PST |
Hi Benjaminpearson, It is C. and a bit. The ability to "speak in tongues" was a miraculous gift of God through his power, the holy spirit [ a force not an individual] It was given to the 120 disciples at Pentecost to enable them to spread Jesus' message of the Kingdom [ Matthew 6;9,10]to all other people who did not speak Hebrew/Aramaic. The gift continued on into the time of Paul and he wrote in First Corinthians 14; 2-19 ..in verse 9, Paul said "In the same way also, unless you through the tongue utter speech easily understood, how will it be known what is being spoken". and verse 11.."If then I do not understand the force of the speech sound, I shall be a foreigner to the one speaking and the one speaking will be a foreigner to me. Further, it was important that when the gift was exercised, that a translator be present so the remainder of the congregation would benefit from what was being said. The gift of "speaking in tongues" although miraculous, was simply a device to enable any small portion of those attending, who could not understand the Hebrew/Aramaic language, benefit from the current teaching. It was not gobbledegook. In verse 19, Paul made it very clear that it was more important to understand the simple message of the Kingdom ] Matthew 6.9,10] than ten thousand words spoken in a tongue [ a foreign language] |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 05 Jan 2005 06:44 PST |
I'm no expert in the subject, but I've definately noticed both in experience and by the text of the bible that there are 2 types of "tongues". I do wish that they had different names in the english language because that would definately ease much confusion and debate about speaking in tongues. One type is used in public. In public there should always be an interperitation (or atleast those around who understand and gain from the tongue spoken) and this will be used both to show the glory of God and to bring a message to the people who hear. The second type is in private. This is simply a gift that God gives to his follower in order to increase their faith and add to their ability to pray and praise Him. Here is 1 web site that isn't a phenominal source of info, but it makes the point clearly: http://www.redbay.com/ekklesia/sit.htm |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: pugwashjw-ga on 05 Jan 2005 23:13 PST |
Hi Jack, Appreciating your input,and hoping I understand your comment. But why would God, when dealing with any individual [ in his own way] have that same individual pray to Him [ God] in any other language than the one that that person normally uses. The God that invented languages surely can cope with any prayer in any language. A sincere prayer would not gain any more importance just by changing its delivery. Before the attempted building of the tower, in Babel, to one persons glory, Nimrod,[Genesis 10; 8,9] the whole worlds population spoke the same language [Gen. 11;1 ] God considered that they were getting too "uppity" and might forget what He had done for them. So he "confused" their language and scattered them across the world. [ Gen. 11; 4-8 ] Anyone has the right to surmise things, but a Christian should always back up his statements with the scriptures. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 06 Jan 2005 06:14 PST |
You are very right that God would never need for us to use any certain language to praise him. It is definately a matter of the heart when it comes to our worshiping God. However if there is a gift God could give us that would bring our hearts more into the right place or increase our faith then I don't believe He would hold that back from us if we are faithful to ask for it. As for bible references to a "prayer language" (toungues) as opposed to a prophecy (toungues) that requires interperatation: Acts 10:44-47 "While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were listening to the message. All the circumcised believers who came with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. For they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting God. Then Peter answered, Surely no one can refuse the water for these to be baptized whohave received the Holy Spirit just as we did, can he?" Notice "they were hearing them speaking with tongues AND EXALTING GOD"... clearly there wasn't an interperatation or a prophecy here, this is strictly the Gentiles worshiping God in tongues. Here is a statement by Paul that clearly references a distinction between speaking in tongues and prophecy: 1 Corinthians 14:2-4 "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit. But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church" Clearly from these 2 passages there is a "tongues" (prayer language) that is not prophecy. And from the first passage we see that "tongues" (prayer language) can be used "exalting God". The more common understanding of "tongues" (prophecy) as used at Pentacost is a separate activity that shouldn't be confused with the first. From that I hope you can see where my belief comes from and the evidence in the bible for it. I have seen both activities (prayer language and prophecy) done many times and although I'm sure some people fake it or do the activity completely of their own power thinking it's God, I am definately convinced that many times it is an act of God giving these gifts to His followers. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: pugwashjw-ga on 07 Jan 2005 00:31 PST |
Hi again Jack, The last thing that God wants is for us to argue over all these very pedantic things. First Corinthians 13;8 ...Love never fails...and then goes on to say that the gift of tongues will be done away with. It was when the last of the Apostles died. The gifts that God gave the Apostles were 1. Speech of wisdom, 2. Speech of knowledge and faith, 3. Healings, 4, Powerful works, 5, Prophecying, 6. Discernment of inspired utterances. 7. Tongues, 8. Interpretation of tongues. Those having the gifts of the spirit could use them only when the spirit was operative upon them. A good example is at Acts 21;8-11, where the prophet Ag'-a-bus gave credit to the holy spirit, God's active force. For anyone these days to claim to be able to speak in tongues should also be able to carry out prophecying and powerful works [ raising the dead]. The Apostles could do it in their time, but only Jesus will do it in God's own good time. [John 5;28]. Anything else is Satan's doing. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 07 Jan 2005 05:34 PST |
I find the beginning of your comment very humorous... "The last thing that God wants is for us to argue..." and then you continue our debate exactly as we had been doing before. Just a thought to not try to take a moral high ground in such a manor. However I do believe that discussing such issues (so long as the spirit behind our words is not bitterness, anger, or pride) is not a bad thing at all. It gets us thinking about our own beliefs, why we have them, and about the reasons for other beliefs are out there. Unfortunately the 1. Speech of wisdom, 2. Speech of knowledge and faith, 3. Healings, 4. Powerful works, 5. Prophecying, 6. Discernment of inspired utterances. 7. Tongues, 8. Interpretation of tongues. that I have witnessed cannot be shown in a mere message... What evidence could I possibly bring with typing? You claim that these all went away as the spirit left the apostles... "Those having the gifts of the spirit could use them only when the spirit was operative upon them." Do you not know that the spirit is with us still today? Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.? " Clearly the Apostles did not reach "the ends of the earth" and so the holy spirit must still have been working in people until this happend (or will happen). Acts 6:5 "This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. " Isn't this after the time where you claimed that the spirit had departed? I'll end with John 4:12 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father." **"he who believes in Me"... not he who believes in me who happens to be my apostle in the very short time that my spirit rests on his head |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 07 Jan 2005 07:41 PST |
Sorry for the dual comment, but I failed to address 1 Cor 13:8... which I agree is a key verse. **but I'll include 1 Cor 9 & 10 as to not lose the context: "Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect will dissapear." "BUT WHEN PERFECTION COMES" that is very crucial. What perfection could their be but the returning of Christ? If you read further in the chapter it also suggests that childlike ways (the ways of the world... including tongues, prophecying...) will no longer be needed when Christ returns and we see him face to face. You are absolutely right that these things will cease... surely what good would they do us when we are in heaven and can perfectly worship God without the use of such things. But here on earth they remain so that we may better serve/worship God until the time of Jesus' return. I think your misunderstanding is simply the timing of their ceasing which is made clear from the verses following 1 Cor 13:8 (as you pointed out). |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: pugwashjw-ga on 09 Jan 2005 22:23 PST |
Hi again Jack, I hope we are both aiming for the same thing, to please God. I think we should have a look at the base reason for God instigating the use of tongues. To get across to people of other languages the message that Jesus was preaching. The incoming Kingdom , or government, of God, directed by Jesus, where wickedness of every sort will be done away with. This is prophecied at Psalm 37; 9-11 and 28,29. Evil is still with us so this is still future. Your belief, I think, is that everybody who dies, goes to heaven and Jesus is still to arrive. Mine is that only 144,000 go to heaven [ out of all the billions who have lived and died] and those billions will be resurrected back to a much more productive earth, and where death will no longer be experienced. Revelation 7;4 & 14;1, 20;4] [Revelation 21;4]. We have vastly complicated just what Jesus was trying to teach us, face to face. To love God first, and your neighbour second. As a seaman with tremendous respect for the sea, even prior to the tsunami, a book with the scripture at James 5;4 must be the way to guide us through ...what is to be done away with...the present system of things. Respectfully, Pug. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 10 Jan 2005 05:12 PST |
Howdy Pug! We are coming from different perspectives, however I definately don't believe we're all on our way to heaven. If you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the grave, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 The conditional statement there definately suggests that not all will be saved. You're absolutely right about the tongues for the benefit of those nonbelievers. And I think you're really cought up on the word "tongues" as many people are. I tried to be completely clear earlier that there are 2 types of "tongues" and that they are used differently and that if the english words in the bible differentiated them then much confusion could be avoided. As stated before, the type of tongues you keep referring to is the kind that will be understood by atleast 1 person who is present. I gave bible referrences to show there is clearly another type of "tongues" (although once again the language will confuse things since they are both called the same thing). You have given evidence that tongues exists in the form of which you are familiar with, and I completely agree that this form is valid as you said. The 2 points of disagreement are: 1) If tongues ended after Pentacost or if they continue today 2) If tongues can be used to describe a prayer language as well as a prophecy #1 we both gave evidence for our view and we disagree, and that is fine... unfortunately we can't agree on everything but we can still love eachother :) #2 I have given biblical evidence that this prayer language exists and that it is called "tongues". And your arguement against it is that "tongues" means prophecy and you gave evidence for that. However, your are arguing language where I am arguing substance. Here is the difference: If I say "Both Westies and German Shephards are dogs", and then you say "No, that is not correct because Westies are dogs"... Then I made a correct statement and your arguement is invalid. Here with tongues we have a similar issue. I said that both the "tongues" of prophecy and the "tongues" of a prayer language are tongues. Then you disputed it by saying that "tongues" of prophecy are tongues. I gave bible referrences for my belief, and nothing you have said disputes those verses or my belief... Do you agree that God could give someone a prayer language (ignoring the word "tongues") in order to increase their faith and help them to pray? If so, we could simply change the word to Huddalisha to clear things up :) "I was praying to God and He put words in my mouth that I did not know, I was praying in huddalisha and I felt so close to God. I thank Him for blessing me with this gift that increased my faith and brought me closer to Him." If that is within the realm of possibility then I'd love to come to an agreement here. If not then I suppose we'll simply have different beliefs once again and we can agree to disagree and both know that there is in fact 1 God and 1 truth and perhaps someday in heaven we can know for sure. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: scarrig-ga on 11 Jan 2005 09:09 PST |
"was simply a device to enable any small portion of those attending, who could not understand the Hebrew/Aramaic language, benefit from the current teaching. It was not gobbledegook" This was always my interepretation of "speaking in tounges." Where if you needed to spread the word to someone who only spoke German, and you did not speak German, then you would miraculously be able to speak German. So what is the gibberish that some people shout out in certain churches, and people claim that it is a miricle of God that they are speaking in tounges. People have explained to me previously that speaking in tounges is not speaking in another language so others could underestand, but instead it is the actual word of God that our human ears cannot interepret. This never made sense to me. Could you maybe tell me what you think? Sorry for somewhat straying from the topic, and not really adding to the converstation. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 11 Jan 2005 11:24 PST |
Scarrig, you're right on topic since the topic is "Speaking in Tongues"... it's me and Pug that got distracted :) This is actually part of what me and Pug were just debating (almost). I think your belief of speaking in tongues is almost correct. "Where if you needed to spread the word to someone who only spoke German, and you did not speak German, then you would miraculously be able to speak German." I have no doubt that God can give someone this ability. It's also an important distinction that the first "tongues" was a little different. At Pentecost way back in the time of disciples; there were people of many different nationalities around... and it seems that God wanted to demonstrate his power and touch the hearts of those around (perhaps as well as share a specific message as you had mentioned): "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound was heard, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speaking in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying, Behold, are not all these that speak Galilaeans? And how hear we, every man in our own language wherein we were born?" --Acts 2:4-8 Then there are other references in the bible about "tongues" that are clearly of a different use than the origional one at Pentecost. "While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were listening to the message. All the circumcised believers who came with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. For they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting God." --Acts 10:44-46 In that passage you see "For they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting God". That seems different than the first mention of "tongues" as this time it is exalting God rather than allowing others to understand. And here is an even more clear passage: "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit. But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church" --1 Corinthians 14:2-4 Clearly here, "...does not speak to men but to God" and... "no one understands him". These lines show without a doubt that these utterences (also called tongues in the passage) are utterences to God and not to man. Although it is possible that these people you speak of making a ruckous in church and drawing attention to themselves with their utterences might be speaking to God, I doubt it in most cases. Here is my reasoning: "If any man speaketh in a tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most three, and [that] in turn; and let one interpret: but if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God." --1 Corinthians 14:27-28 The context here is Paul talking about appropriate use of spiritual gifts (I highly recomend reading the chapter). Here he says "but if there is no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church". There is no question here that the gibberish (perhaps tongues) that you spoke of that is used aloud in church is at best out of place and inappropriate (and in my oppinion not of God). However this type of tongues can be very appropriate and real if God gives this gift in a more private location. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about tongues... I don't know much more than what I've said, but I'll gladly do more research. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: pugwashjw-ga on 12 Jan 2005 20:09 PST |
Pug back for the last time. I simply have to agree there with Scarrig. The use of tongues is God's gift to spread his message to people of many languages. The actual wording in the scriptures can sometimes be a bit confusing, but should not detract us from from following Jesus' example of preaching about God's incoming "Kingdom" described very well at Psalms 37. And Jack, I can't agree that there would be two types of tongues. A loving God surely would not make life any more complicated than it already is these days, what with wars and crime. Common sense tells me that the availability of the Bible in hundreds of languages, [all stressing the "new" covenant installed by Jesus [Luke 10;27] Love God and Love your neighbour] is sufficient means by which God can be in contact with us all. Any person on earth can pray in any language and he/she can be sure that God understands. Two tongues is superfluous. Respectfully, Pug. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 13 Jan 2005 05:57 PST |
Pug, although your arguement makes human sense, I stated biblical evidence for my belief that I have never seen refuted. The language in the bible makes it very clear that people had a "prayer language" that is called "tongues". You have said nothing to refute this except that you don't believe it. And frankly if you're going on your own instincts of what you think God should do rather than what the bible tells you that He does then you're making your own religion and that is a dangerous thing. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: pugwashjw-ga on 14 Jan 2005 07:31 PST |
Hi Jack, I can't add to what I have already said on the tongues issue. But going on Bible principles, I certainly am not doing anything solo. God is certainly organized and He must have an organization doing exactly as He wants. For example. 1. Using His name. Isaiah 42;8 2. Sticking to the Bible. Deuteronomy 4;2 3. DIS-belief in a separate soul. Ezekiel 18;20 4. And a desire to let EVERY man have the chance to either get to really know God or not even bother. Romans 10; 13-15. I've got lots more. Respectfully, Pug. |
Re: Speaking in Tongues
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 19 Jan 2005 05:43 PST |
Benjamin, If you read through the comments then you'll notice that 2 different beliefs were quite well stated and defended. What you are asking for has already been done. Just a thought, feel free to disagree... but, our debating ("arguing" as you called it) made us state our beliefs more clearly and provide more evidence for them. I think this form of debate is very beneficial to the debators to help us think through our beliefs more carefully and more fully realize why we believe what we believe. If there were no debate here then we would have simply thrown out our ideas and not backed them up nearly as well. So I highly suggest reading through our debate and see how we backed up our ideas and then let that guide you in what points you think we made well and what points you don't see enough evidence for. |
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