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Q: Primer on UK employment law from employer perspective especially dismissal ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Primer on UK employment law from employer perspective especially dismissal
Category: Business and Money > Small Businesses
Asked by: onetwothreefour-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 25 Jul 2002 15:34 PDT
Expires: 24 Aug 2002 15:34 PDT
Question ID: 45178
I am looking for a good (hopefully free) web based source of
information on UK employment law. What can an employer legally do /
not do as regards an employee.
I am particulary interested the issue of grounds for dismissal and how
to avoid a claim of unfair dismissal. Also if an investigation is
carried out into an employee's alleged misconduct , how must it be
handled ? eg must the employee be notified of the investigation.
Finally what is the law as regards pre-employment checks ? Is it ok or
not ok to snoop - say obtain a credit reference.
I would also be interested in a general grounding in all the other UK
employment law from an employer's perspective.
Subject: Re: Primer on UK employment law from employer perspective especially dismissal
Answered By: tehuti-ga on 25 Jul 2002 17:25 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello onetwothreefour-ga

I have not managed to find a single all-inclusive site with the
information you want, but quite a lot is available from the following

ACAS has a number of publications on disciplinary procedures, which
can be downloaded from  These include: 
Dealing with grievances (guide for small firms) 
Producing disciplinary and grievance procedures (self-help guide) 
Absence and labour turnover 
Redundancy handling 
Controlling labour turnover (guide for small firms) 
Tackling absence problems (guide for small firms) 
There is also a general FAQ on disciplinary procedure, grievances and
unfair dismissal at
And a publication “Discipline at Work” at
Publications and FAQs on other topics of employment law are also
available on this site. Publications are listed at

Employment-Solicitors claims to be directed at both employers and
employees in its information provision

Department of Trade and Industry has information on employment law,
with links at
This includes: 
Dismissal - fair and unfair : a guide for employers  (PL714 Rev 10)

Emplaw is mainly a subscription site on employment law, but a free
section  is available at  This
gives VERY brief details of court cases concerning employment law. 
More detailed information and updates are available only to

With respect to pre-employment background checks: “At present,
employers are not allowed to check whether job applicants have a
criminal record, with the exception of those involved in work with
children or with national security implications. When fully
implemented in Autumn 2002 the Police Act (1997) will give all
employers access to the criminal records of all job applicants. The
legislation also extends the access of employers working with children
and vulnerable adults to full police records on job applicants,
including spent convictions, cautions and warnings.”

Otherwise, surveillance of employees and the workplace, and the
gathering of personal information, is covered by the Data Protection
Act.  A short summary of activities that are covered by this Act is
available at:

The Act itself is at:

The EU Directive on the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data can be downloaded in rtf format from
An explanation of how the Data Protection Act operates in recruitment
and selection is at

The UK Code of Practice on privacy at work is at

In case you might want to get some books on employment law for further
reference, a list of title available at is at

Search strategy on Google: guide, employers, UK, law,
onetwothreefour-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
thanks that's great and very quick ! regards JD

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