Hello Dr. Crutchfield,
Email that comes with paragraphs of nonsense words and gibberish is
known as Hash Busting. Hash Busting is a technique used by spammers to
bypass spam filters.
Hash Busting:
Random insertion of characters or words used to defeat signature based filters.
?One technique that has grown in popularity over recent months is
'hash busting' - including text in emails that is not relevant to the
email itself.
Hash busting is designed to confuse Bayesian filters, which use
statistical probability analysis to identify spam trends. Random
groups of words, or freely available text such as chapters from
Kipling's Alice in Wonderland are added to the bottom of emails so
that Bayesian filters struggle to identify spam patterns?
IT Week
?The addition of seemingly nonsensical words is aimed at confusing the
antispam filters that incorporate Bayesian analysis techniques, such
as SpamBayes and SpamAssassin. These filters examine incoming e-mail
messages and calculate the probability of it being spam based on each
message's contents. ?
?By throwing a hundred or so random words rarely used in sales spiels
into each e-mail missive, spammers hope to thwart Bayesian filters by
making the spam appear to be personal correspondence. Incorporating
words that might be used in legitimate e-mails is also intended to
poison the checklist the filter uses, forcing it to mark, for example,
e-mails with somewhat common words like Amazon and fish as spam
?The strange strings of words, which usually appear at the bottom of
spam and sometimes in the subject line, are automatically added by
spammers' mass-mailer software.?
"This random noise is technically known as a 'hash buster."
"Hashing" is a technique used by some spam filters to quickly compare
incoming mail to known spam.?
?To get around filters, some spammers have tried inserting spaces or
invisible HTML tags between words in their emails, or intentionally
mispelling words, so that suspect words will not trigger filters.
Other spammers incorporate 'hash busters' into their emails - erudite
and rare words, or large portions of out-of-copyright classic
literature. Either way, the resulting email, even if it does manage to
convince a machine that it is legit, will quite clearly be gibberish
in the eyes of a human.?
Circle ID
?A hash buster is a program that generates a string of text for
insertion in a spam message so that, to a spam filter, the e-mail
appears to be a different message each time it is sent. The text might
appear in the Subject line, its From line, or after the message body,
and might either be coherent text or gibberish. The latter is
sometimes arranged in word-like formations to be less easily
Search criteria:
gibberish email
hash buster OR busting
I hope this is helpful.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |