I'm grateful for the additional work. I had a good time, I'll confess,
peering into the future. I'll reproduce probabilities 51 through 200
below for the sake of form, if not for posterity.
Your humble servant,
51. Over 60% of email traffic consists of spam: 90%
52. Over 90% of email traffic consists of spam: 40%
53. In an effort to curb spam, the US government imposes an email tax
of 1 cent or so per message on Internet service providers: 10%
54. The cheapest digital camera that isn't a toy has an optical resolution
of at least 10 megapixels: 95%
55. The picture quality of the best digital cameras equals that of the
best film cameras: 75%
56. Fewer than 1,000,000 film cameras are manufactured worldwide in 2025: 60%
57. Skin-tight synthetic clothing is popular: 66%
58. Transparent clothing is popular: 33%
59. Expensive sneakers use motorized springs to make you run faster: 50%
60. Desktop 3-D printers can output simple manufactured goods: 20%
61. Maggots are routinely used to disinfect wounds: 85%
62. Swarms of micro-scale robots carry out surgical procedures inside
the body: 60%
63. Swarms of nano-scale robots fight diseased cells inside the body: 3%
64. At least 25% of American wheat is grown from genetically modified
strains: 60%
65. Gay marriage is legalized in at least one American state: 30%
66. Gay marriage is legalized throughout the US by federal law: 10%
67. Fewer than 20% of US adults smoke cigarettes: 66%
68. Tobacco use is federally prohibited: 3%
69. Marijuana is declared legal for recreational use in at least one
American state: 35%
70. Alcohol is federally prohibited: 1%
71. Over 50% of US marriages end in divorce: 75%
72. Over 60% of US marriages end in divorce: 20%
73. The Supreme Court decides that marriage is a private matter in
which the law should not intervene: 15%
74. The Supreme Court decides that women may go topless wherever men
are permitted to do so: 30%
75. Switzerland joins the European Union: 75%
76. The European Union musters an army of its own: 90%
77. Quebec secedes from Canada: 30%
78. Quebec secedes from Canada but changes its mind and rejoins a few
years later: 10%
79. Alberta secedes from Canada and joins the United States: 3%
80. By 2025, the Democratic Party has regained control of the Presidency
and of both houses of Congress for at least one term: 60%
81. The US election law is changed so that Arnold Schwarzenegger and
other naturalized US citizens may run for the Presidency: 25%
82. Hillary Clinton has been elected President: 14%
83. The Green Party has sent a Representative to Congress: 2%
84. The Libertarian Party outperforms the Republicans or Democrats in
a Presidential election: 1%
85. The Irish Republican Army ceases to exist as a meaningful force: 33%
86. The Basque separatist movement ETA ceases to exist as a meaningful
force: 25%
87. Several countries engage in military action to secure mining or
drilling rights in Antarctica: 25%
88. A sovereign state is established in Antarctica: 10%
89. India and Pakistan go to war over Kashmir: 77%
90. The Kashmir struggle is permanently resolved with a peace treaty: 20%
91. Pakistan detonates a nuclear weapon in anger: 6%
92. North Korea detonates a nuclear weapon in anger: 4%
93. Israel detonates a nuclear weapon in anger: 2%
94. South Korea and North Korea merge into a united Korean republic: 25%
95. Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand form an Asian Union to compete with
the European Union: 40%
96. Australia joins the Asian Union: 25%
97. China declares war on Russia: 17%
98. China declares war on Japan: 14%
99. A species that died out within the past 200 years is brought back
through biotechnology: 30%
100. A dinosaur species is brought back through biotechnology: 3%
101. Cosmetic dentistry has mastered the science of growing teeth: 60%
102. Cloning gains widespread acceptance as a way to resurrect deceased
pets: 80%
103. Cloning gains widespread acceptance as a way to resurrect deceased
children: 5%
104. Cloning gains widespread acceptance as a way to recurrect deceased
CEOs of major corporations: 0.5%
105. Most HIV-positive people in the United States can enjoy normal
lifespans with constant pharmacological therapy: 92%
106. Most HIV-positive people in Africa can enjoy normal lifespans with
constant pharmacological therapy: 2%
107. The American government institutes Canadian-style socialized health
care: 33%
108. Top surgeons sell their services on web-based auction sites: 60%
109. The US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade: 40%
110. Parents in 2025 routinely use genetic screening to choose some
physical attributes of their newborn children: 88%
111. Parents in 2025 routinely use genetic screening to choose some
psychological attributes of their newborn children: 33%
112. Advances in gene therapy mean that the children of 2025 will never
go bald: 1%
113. Advances in herbal medicine mean that you can actually buy pills
online that make your breasts rounder or your abs firmer: < 1%
114. One US dollar is worth more than one Euro: 90%
115. One Canadian dollar is worth more than one US dollar: 30%
116. One Euro is worth more than two US dollars: 13%
117. The US budget is balanced in 2025: 60%
118. The US national debt decreases in real value between 2005 and 2025: 20%
119. In 2025, the value of US exports exceeds the value of its imports: 10%
120. The highest US income-tax bracket has a rate greater than 50%: 66%
121. The highest US income-tax bracket has a rate less than 40%: 10%
122. By executive decree, the IRS institutes a flat-rate income tax: 3%
123. The government institutes a national sales tax: 60%
124. The Dow Jones Industrial Average no longer includes IBM among its
components: 42%
125. At least one new component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is
an Internet-era company founded in the 1990s: 84%
126. The Nasdaq index becomes more widely recognized than the Dow Jones: 30%
127. The Standard & Poor's 500 index becomes more widely recognized
than the Dow Jones: 15%
128. Pennies are withdrawn from US circulation: 90%
129. Nickels are withdrawn from US circulation: 60%
130. The one-dollar bill is withdrawn from US circulation: 40%
131. All coins are withdrawn from US circulation: 10%
132. All cash is withdrawn from US circulation: < 1%
133. The Yankees win the World Series at least three times between 2005
and 2025: 40%
134. The Red Sox win the World Series more often than the Yankees
between 2005 and 2025: 10%
135. A minority of NFL quarterbacks in the 2025 draft are white: 75%
136. A majority of NBA players come from outside the United States: 60%
137. A professional sports team attracts a player with a contract worth
$1 billion or more: 55%
138. Dressage is eliminated as an Olympic event: 40%
139. Squash is added as an Olympic event: 15%
140. Billiards is added as an Olympic event: 1%
141. China wins more Olympic gold medals between 2008 and 2024 than
any other nation: 85%
142. China wins a gold medal in Olympic basketball: 60%
143. The United States soccer team reaches the World Cup semi-finals: 15%
144. American Major League Soccer draws a greater audience than the NHL: 40%
145. The NFL awards a franchise to a Canadian city: 23%
146. The NHL awards a franchise to a Mexican city: 6%
147. Basketball players have become so tall that the NBA increases the
regulation basketball height to keep the game interesting: 4%
148. Digital postage replaces 95% of postage stamps: 90%
149. First-class letter mail declines by 50%: 85%
150. The United States Postal Service is privatized: 50%
151. Venice sinks at least 6 inches: 70%
153. The Tower of Pisa topples: 5%
152. Venice sinks out of sight: < 1%
154. Chinese-made automobiles are sold in the United States: 95%
155. Chinese-made automobiles account for at least 5% of the US market: 60%
156. Chinese-made automobiles outsell Japanese-made ones in the United
States: 16%
157. French automobiles return to the US market in a big way: 6%
158. At least one American make of automobile is manufactured by robots
alone, without any human intervention: 40%
159. A serious traffic accident is provably caused by a software bug
in a car's on-board computer: 60%
160. The conventional broadcast networks control less than 50% of the
commercial television market: 85%
161. Low-resolution commercial television is phased out entirely in
favor of HDTV broadcasts: 75%
162. At least one commercial television station broadcasts mainly over
the Internet: 55%
163. Satellite radio controls over 50% of the commercial radio market: 22%
164. The digital version of the New York Times outsells the paper
version: 70%
165. More local calls are placed over the Internet than through analog
phone lines: 20%
166. More international calls are placed over the Internet than through
analog phone lines: 35%
167. A popular new music-video performer is actually a lifelike digital
animation: 70%
168. A popular new Hollywood actor is actually a lifelike digital
animation: 40%
169. Boy bands are a thing of the past: 20%
170. Heavy metal is a thing of the past: 5%
171. A Bach remix reaches the top of the charts: 2%
172. More than 50% of music albums are sold digitally through the
Internet: 95%
173. The average cost of a music album is greater than $10: 90%
174. More than 50% of digital music albums are pirated rather than
purchased: 33%
175. Flying cars become a reality: 10%
176. Flying carpets become a reality: 1%
177. Teleportation becomes a reality: < 1%
178. A light railway is built in Manhattan: 77%
179. A monorail is built in Manhattan: 44%
180. The light railway is shut down in Los Angeles: 22%
181. In 2025, there are 7,000,000 car accidents in the US: 90%
182. The number of alcohol-related traffic accidents declines between
2005 and 2025: 60%
183. Bicycle helmets are mandatory in most US cities: 80%
184. Pedestrian helmets are mandatory in some US cities: 3%
185. The water level of the Colorado River drops too far to permit
further diversion for agricultural irrigation: 90%
186. Canada exports water from its underground reserves to US cities: 75%
187. Saudi Arabia imports icebergs from Antarctica to bolster its water
supply: 45%
188. The ocean becomes too saline to support some aquatic species: 20%
189. The average global temperature rises by 0.5 degree Celsius between
2005 and 2025: 60%
190. The average global temperature rises by 1.0 degree Celsius between
2005 and 2025: 20%
191. Global warming begins to decline thanks to efforts to curb
greenhouse-gas emissions: 50%
192. Global warming begins to decline due to the onset of an ice age: 13%
193. Global temperatures drop so much that the CFC ban is lifted and
consumers are urged to use aerosol sprays as much as possible: < 1%
194. Most youth in 2025 believe that they are the most important
generation in world history: 99%
195. Most adults in 2025 know that they are not the most important
generation in world history: 99%
196. The Southern swarms of killer bees never advance far enough into
the United States to cause a problem: 90%
197. As in the 19th century, a plague of Rocky Mountain locusts afflicts
the American Midwest: 33%
198. As in the Old Testament, a plague of frogs afflicts the Midwest: < 1%
199. The end of the world is brought about by a man-made disaster: 0.1%
200. The end of the world is brought about by a natural disaster: 0.01% |