Hello blues123,
The name of the company with the fax number 717-792-7884 is Voith
Siemens Hydro Power Generation, Inc. Their address and contact
information is:
Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation, Inc.
760 East Berlin Road
P.O. Box 712
York, PA 17405
Voice: 717.792.7000
Fax: 717.792.7884
I found the above information at the following site:
The e-mail address for their Marketing Department (according to this
site) is:
The e-mail address for their Postmaster (according to this site) is:
I found this information by entering 717-792-7884 into the Google
search window which provided three possibile results. The search
results page is:
Upon clicking on the first link (available in either Word or HTML
format - I chose Word), I searched the document for the fax number.
The search came up with the Voith company name above (and the same
address) along with the following information:
Robert Rittase
PH: 717-792-7206
FAX: 717-792-7884
E-mail: Robert.rittase@vs-hydro.com
I didn't check the second link. The third link took me to the
following page:
Upon searching this page for the same fax number and clicking on the
associated website, I came across the following link:
Next, I clicked on the Worldwide link (bottom, left corner of the
page) which opened another window. From here, I selected "U S A" for
the Country to search and then clicked the "Find locations" link. Upon
scrolling down to the last result (the one with the same fax number),
I noticed the e-mail address ended in voithyork.com so I then typed in
the link:
into my browswer's address window, which provided me with the rest of
the contact information (above).
I hope this is the information you are seeking.
ames |