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GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: cymro77-ga List Price: $10.00 |
06 Jan 2005 12:33 PST
Expires: 05 Feb 2005 12:33 PST Question ID: 453101 |
GCHQ Codebreaking Challenge- Got the answers,but what is the quotation? |
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Re: GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
Answered By: thx1138-ga on 06 Jan 2005 13:17 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hello cymro77 and thank you for your question. The quotation you are looking for is "Heres looking at you kid" "The way those alphabets are generated are with the movie name compressed so that redundant characters and spaces are dropped after the first one (going left to right). So "The Terminator" would become "therminao". Then that is filled out with the rest of the alphabet that is left: therminaoBCDFGJKLPQSUVWXYZ Then that is shifted around (add the front character to the end, or vice versa) until you get the same alphabet as was used to create the cipher names for the male/female pair. Once those are all filled out and then put in the order of oldest to newest by the year of the movie, then you have the full grid: HBANDCFGJLMOQVWXYZSTRIKEUP DEFGHIJKMOPQRTUVWXYZCASBLN SPRACDFGJKMNOQUVWXYZBLITHE YBCEFGJKPQSTUVWXZROMANHLID ITNESFORHPCUABDGJKLMQVXYZW ZSOMELIKTHABCDFGJNPQRUVWXY FGIJKLOQSUVWXYZTHEAPRMNBCD UVWXYZGOLDFINERABCHJKMPQST VGNLBCEJKMPQTUXYZWHOSAFRID UVXYZTHELIONWRABCDFGJKMPQS VWYZMURDEONTHIXPSABCFGJKLQ ZSTARWBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQUVXY OPQRSTUVWXYZALIENBCDFGHJKM GJKLPQSUVWXYZTHERMINAOBCDF FGHJKLMOPQRUVXYZWITNESABCD RUVWXYZTHESILNCOFAMBDGJKPQ NFIDETBGHJKMPQRSUVWXYZLACO ZMOULINRGEABCDFHJKPQSTVWXY CFGHJKLOQTUVWXYZSPIDERMANB MPQUVWXYZLOSTINRABCDEFGHJK From there, you start at the top left and go down." http://www.etraininglog.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1805 Thank you for your question, and if you need any clarification of my answer, do not hesitate to ask before rating my answer. Very best regards, and enjoy the book! THX1138 Search strategy included: None, as soon as I saw the problem on the GCHQ website, the answer was obvious to me. Ok so I lied..... Search strategy included: "GCHQ Challenge" quotation ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&as_qdr=all&q=+%22GCHQ+Challenge%22+quotation |
rated this answer:![]() Marvellous! I would never have got it, in fact I wonder how I managed to pair up the film actors! Thanks a lot- have a drink on me and a Happy New Year! |
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Re: GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
From: probonopublico-ga on 06 Jan 2005 13:29 PST |
Well, all the guys here at Cheltenham are VERY impressed. 008 |
Re: GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
From: thx1138-ga on 06 Jan 2005 15:49 PST |
Hello again cymro77 Many thanks for the five star rating and the generous tip! "Thanks a lot- have a drink on me and a Happy New Year!" I shall have several, thank you! Pity they don`t have Wadworths 6X in my neck of the woods! Bryan Those `guys` in Cheltenham are easily impressed, but put them up against Wilthshires finest and they are bamboozled! Very best regards, and a Happy New Year to you both THX1138 |
Re: GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
From: thx1138-ga on 06 Jan 2005 16:04 PST |
Actually this question reminds me of.......... http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=36770 |
Re: GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
From: myrrhanda-ga on 18 Jan 2005 13:34 PST |
Gee, thanks guys - not. The sites your search strategy point to only give hints to the solution. Your questionner had done most of the work and just wanted help with the final part and I'd have had no problem with your providing that. But you give such a comprehensive answer that anyone can solve the entire challenge with minimal effort. The prizes are awarded on a "first out of the hat" basis, not to every correct answer. Now, those of us who solved this legitimately (it took me several days of hard work) will be up against people who made no effort at all! |
Re: GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
From: thx1138-ga on 18 Jan 2005 15:54 PST |
Hello myrrhanda, I understand what you are saying. However, the objective of solving the problem, was to solve the problem! And cymro77 did just that (albeit unconventionally) One could argue that to work for GCHQ, MI5, MI6 + others, you have to work "outside the box" and use whatever resources are available to you. cymro77 used Google Answers, and got, as you said "a comprehensive answer" Mission accomplished! Very best regards THX1138 (UK citizen based outside of the UK, and available for "Research" if anyone at GCHQ, MI5, MI6 reads this :) Also see: For an "anoraks" over simplistic view (sorry to any anoraks out t/here) "An example of solving a problem by changing the conditions surrounding the problem: One of the StarTrek movies mentions the KobayashiMaru, a training scenario for hopeful captains. There's no way to succeed; no matter what you do, you're destined to lose. Starfleet used it as a test of character, to see how people handle no-win situations. Cadet James T. Kirk (later known as CaptainHornDog) created a successful solution by modifying the simulation. "You cheated!" "I changed the conditions of the test. Got a commendation for original thinking." http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?KobayashiMaru |
Re: GCHQ codebreaking Challenge (www.gchq.gov.uk/codebreaking/)
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Jan 2005 22:33 PST |
thx1138-ga You will be contacted. Go to the sleaziest bar in town and ask Mario the bartender for a pint of Best Draught Bitter from the Oldham Brewery. Mario will supply same and your response should be 'Obrigado'. |
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