< Internet adoption in Europe.
a ? number of internet users, b ? companies with websites, c -
broadband penetration.
Albania a 30,000
Andorra a 24,500
Austria a 3.73 million b 67.1% c 16.2%
Belarus a 1.39 million b 30%
Belgium a 3.76 million b 80% c 29.5, 55-60%
Bosnia a 100,000
Bulgaria a 1.54 million b 12% c low
Croatia a 2.31 million c low
Cyprus a 250,000 b 61% c 1.9%
Czech Republic a 2.7 million b 61% c 2%
Denmark a 3.37 million b 60% c26.4%
Estonia a 621,000 b 45%, 38% c 1.9%
Faroe Islands a 25,000
Finland a 2.65 million b 60% c17.8%
France a 13.8 million b 56% c14.8%
Germany a 27 million b 85% c 12.81%, 11.9%
Greece a 1.71 million b 54% c 0.3%
Hungary a 2.4 million b 20%, 30%, 39% c 2%
Iceland a 195,000 b 64% c 12%
Ireland a 1.31 million b 77% c 2.4%
Italy a 15.77 million b 56% c 13-15%, 10.7%
Latvia a 936,000 b 19% c 1.9%
Lithuania a 695,000 b 27%, 31% c 1.9%
Luxembourg a 170,000 c 3%
Macedonia a 100,000
Malta a 120,000 b 73% c 1.9%
Moldova a 288,000
Monaco a 16,000
The Netherlands a 10.8 million b 45% c 40.4%
Norway a 4 million b 55% c 18.2%
Poland a 8.97 million b 54%, 52% c 2%
Portugal a 3.6 million b 30.26% c 13.1%
Romania a 4 million b 15% c low
Russia a 6 million b 9% c 0.5%
Serbia/Montenegro a 847,000
Slovak Republic a 5.38 million b 60% c 1.9%
Slovenia a 1.95 million b 42% c 1.9%
Spain a 8.33 million b 26%, 75% c 16.8%
Sweden a 6.7 million b 80% c 21.7%, 55-60%
Switzerland a 4.7 million b 55% c 26.1%, 55-60%
Ukraine a 900,000
United Kingdom a 34.87 million b 66%, 80% c 25%, 13-15%, 12.8%
According to Nielsen/NetRatings, these were the numbers of users in
February 2004 in the following countries:
France: 13,781,013
Germany 27,033,687
Italy 15,772,348
Netherlands 7,757,751
Spain 8,331,385
Sweden 4,609,203
Switzerland 3,009,180
United Kingdom 20,953,256
There are 8.1 million internet users in Central and Eastern Europe. (Source: IDC)
According to Ofcom, the UK has almost 4 million broadband users.
Broadban penetration is 25%. (Source: UK has almost 4 million
broadband users. By Sean Cornwell. 03/06/2004.)
30% of Belarus companies have websites. (Source: Future Media Monthly News.)
Internet Usage in the European Union and the rest of Europe. (Source:
Internet World Stats.)
Broadband penetration.
Sweden, Switzerland and Belgium ? 55-60%
Germany, Italy, UK ? 13-15%
(Source: IT Facts.)
Top 20 countries with the highest internet DSL Broadband Subscribers ? 2004 Q3.
Germany 5,950,000 ? 12.81%
France 5,253,000
Italy 3,680,000
United Kingdom 3,335,000
Spain 2,227,805
Netherlands 1,552,000
Belgium 983,000
Sweden 751,000
Switzerland 717,000
Denmark 594,000
(Nielsen/NR Oct. 2004.)
Eight out of 10 Belgian companies has a website. (Source: Belgian
companies raise IT budget. Insites Consulting.)
66% of British companies have a website.
(Source: 1/3 of British Companies Don?t Have a Website. Robert Loch.
30 November 2003.)
45% of Dutch companies have a website. (Source: UK Trade & Investment.)
29% of Spanish companies have a website.
(Source: U.S. Commercial Service in Spain.)
72% of Spanish companies have a website. (Source: Spain FY 2000
Country Commercial Guide.)
Broadband Penetration in Western Europe. 2003. (Source Strategy Analytics.)
Belgium 29.5%
Netherlands 27.2%
Denmark 26.4%
Switzerland 26.1%
Sweden 21.7%
Norway 18.2%
Finland 17.8%
Spain 16.8%
Austria 16.2%
France 14.8%
Portugal 13.1%
UK 12.8%
Germany 11.9%
Italy 10.7%
Ireland 2.4%
Greece 0.3%
According to the DTI International Benchmark study of 2003 in France
and Italy, 56% of businesses have a website.
Germany ? 85%
Britain ? 80%
Sweden ? 80%
Broadband penetration at the end of 2003.
Czech Republic ? 2%
Hungary ? 2%
Poland ?2%
The other new EU member countries (Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Malta, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia) have a broadband penetration
rate of 1.9%. (Source: Broadband to boom in new EU countries. 7
September 2004. ComputerWeekly.com.)
67.1% of Austrian companies has a website. This report from the London
School of Economics also breaks down the figures by size of company.
(Source: Statistik Austria, 2003a pa.)
77% of Irish businesses have a website. (Source: Science Technology
and Innovation in Ireland. Department of Enterprise, Trade &
Hungary ? 30% of business have a website.
(Source: 30% of Hungarian businesses have websites. Leigh Phillips. 23/08/2004.)
Finland ? 60%
Denmark ? 60%
Sweden ? 70%
Netherlands ? 50%
Norway ? 55%
United Kingdom ?60%
(Source: OECD 2001.)
According to a report from Telecom.paper, Netherlands broadband
penetration reached 40.4% on 30 September 2004.
(Source: Dutch broadband penetration increases to 40.4% of households.
By John Tilak. 19/11/2004.)
Hungary broad band penetration reached 2.7% in June 2004. (Source:
Telecom ministry, authority to focus on reducing regional disparities
in 2005. Interfax.)
Broadband penetration in Russia ? 0.5 % (Source: Winncom Technologies Corp.)
Almost half of Cypriot companies have a website. (Source: The use of
internet in small firms in Cyprus. Lina Nearchou-Ellinas.)
A survey of businesses in West Athens found that 20% have a website.
(Source: Usher Baseline Information 2001 ? West Athens, Greece.)
Table 2 of this report gives the percentage of firms with a website.
Greece ? 54%
Portugal ? 30.26%
Iceland ? 64%
Switzerland ? 55%
Estonia ? 45%
Hungary ? 39%
Latvia ? 19%
Lithuania ? 27%
Poland ? 54%
Russia ? 9%
(Source: Measuring Business Access to ICT. Michael Minges. September 2003.)
In Iceland broadband penetration has reached 12%. (Source: World
broadband lines exceed 150 million. 16 December 2004. Point Topic.)
Luxembourg?s broadband penetration rate was 3% in early 2004. (Source:
2005 Telecoms in Europe ? Benelux ? Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg.
Paul Budde Communication. October 26, 2004.)
Percentage of enterprises with a website
BG (Bulgaria)12%
CY (Cyprus) 61%
CZ (Czech Republic) 61%
EE (Estonia) 38%
HU (Hungary) 20%
LT (Lithuania)31%
MT (Malta) 73%
PL (Poland) 52%
RO (Romania)15%
SL (Slovenia) 42%
SK (Slovak Republic) 60%
(Source eEurope Enterprise Survey, June 2003. Cyand MT ? National
Surveys. Estonian Informatics Centre.)
Broadband access in the following countries is negligible :
Czech republic, Poland, Turkey, Slovakia, Greece. (Source: Slovakian
Austrian mBusiness Association.)
<Search strategy:
<"broadband penetration" Europe>
<"eastern europe" "broadband penetration">
<"belgian companies" websites>
<austrian" businesses "have a website" 2004 percent>
<luxembourg "broadband penetration">
<Hope this helps.> |