This is a bit old 1996 but it may be a lead.
From: Mary Jane Miller <>
Date: Monday, 4 Mar 1996 12:48:34 -0500
Subject: 7.0154 Re: Video of Duchess of Malfi
Comment: Re: SHK 7.0154 Re: Video of Duchess of Malfi
News of another - which was on kine and is now on video, deposited with the
National Archives of Canada. Produced for CBC in early 60s. Producer Mario
Prizek. Francis Hyland was the Duchess, Doug Rain was Bosola and most of the
Stratford company of that time is in it. There are pictures and a brief account
of the production in my * Turn Up the Contrast: CBC TV drama since 1952* UBC
Press 1987. I do not have a personal copy but saw it on kine I have been
sayingfor some time that there would be a market for this on video. If enough
of the people on this list e-mailed me I might [in april or May] be able to
explore such a possibility with the CBC - although after my next book out in
May they maynot be speaking to me. Alternatively - everyone interested write to
Jim Byrd Vice President of CBC Television , Box 500 Station A Toronto , M5W
1E6 - and point out the international market for this. It's black and white,
edited [ of course] and, I think, brilliant.
Mary Jane Miller,
Dept. of Film Studies, Dramatic and Visual Arts,
Brock University,
The Duchess of Malfi, Fourth Edition (New Mermaids)
Transcripts |