Hi coochy,
Here is everything I have found for you. Sorry to say, I can't do it
for you but I'll try to make it as painless as possible. If you have
any questions, please let me know.
Monthly Mean Average Temperature Data: Pasadena CA: 1975 to 1994.
The format of the temperature data are as follows:
Station number, year, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec, Winter (Dec, Jan, Feb), Spring (Mar, Apr, May), Summer
(Jun, Jul, Aug), Fall (Sep, Oct, Nov), and the annual average
temperature (Jan-Dec). All values are in degrees F and -99.99
indicates missing data.
Monthly Precipitation Data: Pasadena CA: 1975 to 1994.
The format of the total precipitation data are as follows:
Station number, year, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec, and the annual total precipitation. All values are in
hundredths (i.e., 100 = 1 inch) and -9999 indicates missing data.
The fee-based is available in two formats. You can either order all
the years 1975 - 2004, or just order 1995 - 2004 and use the tables
above for 1975 - 1994.
"A Printable Web Form provides headers and notes for clarification and
easy viewing and is patterned after the published version." SAMPLE
"An ASCII comma-delimited version is provided for those who desire to
import the data into other applications." SAMPLE VIEW HERE
>> ASCII (will cost $40 for 1975 - 2004)
NCDC / Climate-Radar Data Inventories / Locate Station / Search:
Click on "Get Monthly Data" towards the bottom of the page.
Set your dates From 1975 to 2004.
Select your Outputs.
Select Elements (hold down the CTRL key to select more than one)
Montly Mean Temperature
Total Monthly Precipitation
(Adding more elements won't affect the price. The price is determined
by the number of years not the amount of data)
Click Continue.
Add to Shopping Cart.
>> Web-based (will cost $2.00 for each month)
Select California.
Select Pasadena 1931 - 2004.
*This is important. In this line towards the top of the page:
*NCDC/ Locate Station/ Select State/ CA/ PASADENA/ Select Year
*Choose Pasadena.
Scroll down and choose: "Record of Climatological Observations"
Now you should be at the Year/Month menu. If it is just Year, try again.
Select 200401 (Jan 2004)
Add Selected Month to Shopping Cart.
Select 200301 (Jan 2003)
Add Selected Month to Shopping Cart.
Continue until you have all of your months selected.
(Presumably at some point you'll be able to select web-based, but I
never got that far)
Monthly: Burbank (perhaps you could find a city nearer to you):
Choose January 1 and a year.
Click Go.
Scroll down to see a weather calender for the month of January.
Pomona CA:
Set from January 1 1989 to January 1 2004.
Click "Retrieve Data"
Glendale CA:
Set from January 1 1996 to January 1 2004.
Click "Retrieve Data"
Additional Link of Interest:
Davis Climate Data Sources: Links
I certainly hope you can put together everything you need. If you have
any questions, please post a clarification request *before*
closing/rating my answer and I'll be happy to reply. If you need more
data, perhaps your local library would have a Meteorological Atlas of
Los Angeles County.
Thank you,
Search Strategy.
I used our own bookmarks and searched weather websites. I also used
the Davis Climate Data Sources links. Searching on Google using the
usual terms (pasadena climate historical weather california
precipitation temperature, etc, yielded little in the way of results
that you could use). |