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3 year bible study plan by e-mail
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: apachemd-ga List Price: $10.00 |
10 Jan 2005 14:25 PST
Expires: 09 Feb 2005 14:25 PST Question ID: 455196 |
I'm looking for an online bible reading program. Specifically, I'm looking for an online service that sends me daily bible readings by e-mail. Ideally it would be NIV in a 3 year reading plan with questions, answers, and everyday language explanations for the daily bible verses. | |
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Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
Answered By: tutuzdad-ga on 11 Jan 2005 07:40 PST Rated: ![]() |
Dear apachemd-ga; Since you are agreeable to my research as an answer I am reposting it here in order to officially close your question: DAILY WISDOM offers an ongoing daily lesson plan similar to the type you are inquiring about: DAILY WISDOM http://gci.gospelcom.net/dw/ Here are a couple of others that I have not reviewed and I know only what I have read about them during by brief examination of their sites. Use your best judgment: HOME BIBLE STUDY http://www.home-bible-study.com/ BIBLE STUDY MAILING LIST http://www.cottagemicro.com/biblestudy/maillist.htm Finally, let me pass on this useful downloadable program: E-SWORD http://www.e-sword.net/index.html I hope you find that my research exceeds your expectations. If you have any questions about my research please post a clarification request prior to rating the answer. Otherwise I welcome your rating and your final comments and I look forward to working with you again in the near future. Thank you for bringing your question to us. Best regards; Tutuzdad-ga ? Google Answers Researcher INFORMATION SOURCES Defined above SEARCH STRATEGY SEARCH ENGINE USED: Google ://www.google.com SEARCH TERMS USED: DAILY LESSONS BIBLE MAILING LIST LISTSERV |
rated this answer:![]() Great response time and very good links to relevant material. Thanks! |
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Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
From: misterbig-ga on 10 Jan 2005 14:49 PST |
There are a few here http://allspiritual.com/ChristianBible.php3 |
Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
From: apachemd-ga on 10 Jan 2005 17:32 PST |
misterbig: a lot of useful-appearing links there... thanks tutuzdad: I liked that first one -- jesuswalk.com -- a lot... although it doesn't seem to offer the entirety of the bible in that format. The second one -- oabs.org -- is good but a bit too much. I have a bible called "The Quest Study Bible" -- ideally I'd like to find a 3-year online/email course in that same format... i.e. NIV with real world explanations and applications next to the verses... basically like the jesuswalk program but for the whole bible over 3 years. If you can find something like that that'd be great. If not I'll still give you 5 stars for what you've found so far. Thanks a lot! |
Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
From: tutuzdad-ga on 10 Jan 2005 18:25 PST |
I think you will find that, for whatever reason, the publisher of the ?New International Version? Bible (NIV) doesn?t often cooperate with many of the commercial Bible studies programs (and in some cases it?s the other way around) so to find one tailored specifically to that version will be difficult. Having said that, you may find that other acceptable versions of the Bible such as the American Standard Version, New American Standard, Good News Translation, New King James, etc are just as easily understood and studied and there are a number of programs that willingly cater to these types of Bibles. Moreover, ?daily? lessons are hard to come by. The ones offered weekly are much more plentiful but I didn?t list any here. You can probably find an abundance of those on your own. DAILY WISDOM offers an ongoing daily lesson plan similar to the type you are inquiring about: DAILY WISDOM http://gci.gospelcom.net/dw/ Here are a couple of others that I have not reviewed and I know only what I have read about them during by brief examination of their sites. Use your best judgment: HOME BIBLE STUDY http://www.home-bible-study.com/ BIBLE STUDY MAILING LIST http://www.cottagemicro.com/biblestudy/maillist.htm Finally, let me pass on this useful downloadable program: E-SWORD http://www.e-sword.net/index.html The creator of this program is offering this shareware to the public for a suggested $15 donation, but it is free to those who cannot afford it. The features are designed to fit everyone?s needs. You may download and use all of them, or only the ones you like the best ? it?s up to you. E-SWORD -FEATURES http://www.e-sword.net/features.html On the download page you can decide which version of the Bible best fits your level of understanding or most closely matches your specific beliefs. There are a number of modern language versions, each with commentary, glossary, dictionaries, vivid maps and explanations. E-SWORD - DOWNLOADS http://www.e-sword.net/downloads.html In addition there are day-by-day devotionals. . . http://www.e-sword.net/devotions.html . . . and a daily Bible reading plan that can be automated to suit any purpose, time schedule or length of study. E-SWORD ? TRAINING (Click ?Create a Bible reading plan to encourage you to read the Bible each day? to see a demo) http://www.e-sword.net/training.html On a personal note ? attesting only to the program?s usefulness - I am not affiliated with this program in any way but I do use it often in my own studies and research and it has proven to be quite valuable to me in a variety of ways. I hope this helps. Regards; Tutuzdad-ga |
Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
From: apachemd-ga on 11 Jan 2005 07:22 PST |
tutuzdad: It does help a lot -- thanks! How do I pay now? |
Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
From: pugwashjw-ga on 12 Jan 2005 20:41 PST |
Bible knowledge should not be charged for. Knowledge alone is not enough. Jesus said to the apostles [ and they in turn taught all the disciples] at Matthew 10;7.."As you go, preach [ teach] saying, " The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near". Verse 8 applies only to the apostles who were able to cure the sick , raise up the dead and expel demons, but the last part is principle...You received free, give free. The two scriptures at James 1;25 and 2;14 clearly point out that "work", and not just Bible knowledge is required to be part of the Kingdom prayed for at Matthew 6;9,10 and Psalm 37; 11 & 29. Search out those truly complying with ALL God's requirements. It can't be done solo. |
Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
From: tutuzdad-ga on 13 Jan 2005 07:02 PST |
>>Bible knowledge should not be charged for. You're awfully quick to judge without weighing the facts. To the contrary: The customer was not charged for BIBLE KNOWLEDGE as you inferred. The fee was "willingly" paid in exchange for "research" (nothing more) regarding places where knowledge could be obtained FOR FREE. Everyone who comes here after the fact will benefit from this same information, without charge at the generosity of this customer, and therein lies the free gift. One should look at the glass and carefully consider whether it is half full or half empty before making such a hasty judgement. |
Re: 3 year bible study plan by e-mail
From: pugwashjw-ga on 14 Jan 2005 07:11 PST |
Dear Tutuz; Sorry if you misunderstood. I did not mean that researchers should not be paid for research. that is a fair fee, and you all earn every cent. What I should have more clearly stated was that some websites offering "Bible information" such as a study program, DO charge for such services. Jesus stated very clearly at Matthew 10;8..you received free...give free. |
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