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I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: tlyons11-ga List Price: $25.00 |
11 Jan 2005 22:14 PST
Expires: 10 Feb 2005 22:14 PST Question ID: 455915 |
I would like to know the source of why it is that I am so strongly attracted to much older women. For example, when I was 20, my lover of five years was 56 at the beginning of the relationship. I used to think it was just a part of growing, exploring, satisfying a curiousity, etc. however, I am now almost 40 and the attraction towards women much older than me is stronger than ever before. Am I sick? Am I crazy? I hope not!! |
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Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
Answered By: cynthia-ga on 13 Jan 2005 19:24 PST Rated: ![]() |
tlyons11, Thank you for accepting my opinion as your Answer. Here it is again, typo corrected: The Answer is different for every person that *might* ask this question, so we can't give you THE Answer. The Answer lies in your own psyche, and I can only point you in the right direction. You'll have to scan your memory banks for quite some time to figure it out, but eventually you will settle on the right memory. This will only work if you have no guilt towards your desires, and your reason for wanting to know is just that: Wanting To KNOW. What follows is only my opinion, and I am not a psychitrist. Usually young kids feel protection, security, and love from adults, but occasionally sexual energy can be added to the mix, sometimes resulting in adult fixations a bit off center. In your case, what has happened, is sometime when you were very young, meaning before you knew what sex was, an older female accidentially aroused you. You didn't know what sex was, but the feeling in your groin was very good. You liked this woman, and liked the feeling that she caused. There was nothing perverted about what happened, it was an accident of nature. Over time, you came to associate this wonderful feeling and warmth --with older women in general. Think back to your early childhood. Write down the names of all older women that you were exposed to. Aunts, Grandmothers, Teachers, Friends of your Parents, Neighbors, etc. Think back. You won't remember them all at once, so keep the list handy, and add to it over the coming days and weeks. Select a woman from your list and try to remember all your experiences. No need to write down all you remember, but be systematic. Sooner or later, you will remember something unusual, or you will get a strange feeling when you focus on a particular woman. Think over a period of time, don't force yourself. Sooner or later, --probably later, you will know. First you will suspect, then it will grow into knowing. Good luck, and please keep us posted! ~~Cynthia |
rated this answer:![]() For years, I've poured over articles seeking insight and help. I have been to counseling, only to hear "Well, just as gays are gay, you simply have a preference that's all." Hardly... In then end, it took a Googler named Cynthia to hit the nail on the head once and for all. THANKS THANKS THANKS :)) |
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Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: timespacette-ga on 11 Jan 2005 22:56 PST |
It's an interesting relationship question. I've had similar attractions, and past experiences, only with the reverse gender roles. It's not as common with men being the younger partner, and certainly not as accepted in this culture. I'm sure someone will come along and refer you to the old movie Harold & Maude, or Ben Franklin's recommendations on what age a woman should be considered in her prime (he thought 38) . . . yeah, yeah, yeah . . . I'm thinking of this in two ways: Assuming you're not crazy: what are the other characteristics that attract you to older women besides just the fact that she's old? There are many qualities that usually only come with age, and why shouldn't you be attracted to those qualities? Assuming you're not crazy, but perhaps a little narcissistic: do you get off on being adored? Women do this a lot: they're in love with being loved -- actually adored -- not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think you might know what I mean . . . after all Ben Franklin's last reason for going for an older woman was that she would be SO grateful! As a woman who is rapidly becoming 'an older woman' . . . . I can't beleive I just said that! this should turn into an interesting thread . . . ts |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: augusta-ga on 12 Jan 2005 01:04 PST |
Here is a hypothesis: Your mother was older when you were born, (say in her late 30's). Many men are attracted to women that remind them of their mothers, so you are attracted to older women, they remind you of yor mother. Here is another hypothesis: You are naturally shy with people of your peer group. (High school was difficult for you. You were always awkward around the girls). But it has always been another matter with older women because they are not you don't consider them as peers and you interact differently with them, you feel more at ease and confident. |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: steph53-ga on 12 Jan 2005 08:48 PST |
Well...interesting question. First of all I'm a "rapidly" aging woman too. However, contrary to most beliefs, I have no interest whatsover in younger men. I much prefer a man my own age. TS: "after all Ben Franklin's last reason for going for an older woman was that she would be SO grateful! I'm shocked at you.... ;) Steph53 |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: tlyons11-ga on 12 Jan 2005 09:02 PST |
augusta-ga: Yes I was very shy in school. Like most boys though, I found it very difficult dealing with the games girls played sometimes. This I'm sure is part of why interaction with older women was a lot more rewarding. And not dealing with birth control has been a +. My mother was 18 when I was born, and further, I am very turned off by women who even remotely resemble my mother, so that's not it..... |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: amber00-ga on 12 Jan 2005 13:45 PST |
Possibly an Oedipus complex? |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: cynthia-ga on 12 Jan 2005 15:17 PST |
tlyons11, The Answer is different for every person that *might* ask this question, so we can't give you THE Answer. The Answer lies in your own psyche, and I can only point you in the right direction. You'll have to scan your memory banks for quite some time to figure it out, but eventually you will settle on the right memory. This will only work if you have to guilt towards your desires, and your reason for wanting to know is just that: Wanting To KNOW. What follows is only my opinion, and I am not a psychitrist. Usually young kids feel protection, security, and love from adults, but occasionally sexual energy can be added to the mix, sometimes resulting in adult fixations a bit off center. In your case, what has happened, is sometime when you were very young, meaning before you knew what sex was, an older female accidentially aroused you. You didn't know what sex was, but the feeling in your groin was very good. You liked this woman, and liked the feeling that she caused. There was nothing perverted about what happened, it was an accident of nature. Over time, you came to associate this wonderful feeling and warmth --with older women in general. Think back to your early childhood. Write down the names of all older women that you were exposed to. Aunts, Grandmothers, Teachers, Friends of your Parents, Neighbors, etc. Think back. You won't remember them all at once, so keep the list handy, and add to it over the coming days and weeks. Select a woman from your list and try to remember all your experiences. No need to write down all you remember, but be systematic. Sooner or later, you will remember something unusual, or you will get a strange feeling when you focus on a particular woman. Think over time, don't force yourself. Sooner or later, --probably later, you will know. First you will suspect, then it will grow into knowing. Good luck, and please keep us posted! ~~Cynthia |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: cynthia-ga on 12 Jan 2005 16:04 PST |
TYPO CORRECTION: [2nd paragraph, 4th line] if you have to guilt towards = if you have NO guilt towards. My bad, sorry. |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: tlyons11-ga on 12 Jan 2005 16:19 PST |
Cynthia: I think your excellent content within your comment actually qualifies as an Answer -in this case. Please re-post as an Answer and I think we'll be done. Yes, I can recall a couple incidences as you described from when I was a boy. I never thought of it like that, however, I believe this is *the* source of my life's pattern in this regard. Nice work. Worth every penny. Thanks again! :) |
Re: I am incredibly attracted to [much] older women. Why???
From: cynthia-ga on 14 Jan 2005 02:12 PST |
tlyons11, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the 5 stars, the kind worsds, and the KILLER Tip!!! I have been through 18 months of psychotherapy myself and found it to be very beneficial. If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate to ask for me. Thanks again... ~~Cynthia |
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