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Q: What would be a good name for a community of web developers? ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   18 Comments )
Subject: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
Category: Computers
Asked by: severisth-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 13 Jan 2005 10:43 PST
Expires: 12 Feb 2005 10:43 PST
Question ID: 456696
I'm planning to build a community for web developers. For something
comparible see, which is
a community for Quakers. Mine will be similar to theirs, simply
smaller (at first) and geared towards webheads instead of Quakers.

My question is this: what would YOU name a place like this?

Clarification of Question by severisth-ga on 14 Jan 2005 14:43 PST
Great responses!!

pinkfreud hit the nail on the head with Silicon Alley. Not only is
that a great name for what I'm describing, but it is even more fitting

A) This will be in New York City, where "alley" is a good description
for the feel of most streets

B) The term Silicon Alley is used to describe any dotcom in the New
York City area, according to this site: How perfect is that?

It doesn't have the power of HTMLwonder's available domain name, the
history of Berners-Lee House, or the humor of Fred. But in all other
categories, it seems to be the winner. PinkFreud, if you're reading
this, please post your comment as the official answer!

Thanks everyone!
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 19 Jan 2005 11:37 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars

Thank you very much for accepting my suggestion, "Silicon Alley." I
wish you the best of luck with your haven for web developers.

Don't let any of 'em con you: Beware of geeks bearing grifts. ;-)

Best regards,
severisth-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Thanks pinkfreud!

I'll be sure to be cautious :P

Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: nelson-ga on 13 Jan 2005 11:14 PST
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: denco-ga on 13 Jan 2005 11:22 PST
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: denco-ga on 13 Jan 2005 12:20 PST
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: cynthia-ga on 13 Jan 2005 12:37 PST
Webveloper House - Where Friends Meet
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Jan 2005 12:39 PST
Silicon Alley.
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: monroe22-ga on 13 Jan 2005 13:22 PST
O what a tangled Web we weave
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: celtic_rice-ga on 13 Jan 2005 13:25 PST
Webcreation Center, WebNation, Webicity, WebHood, Websidence.
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: shockandawe-ga on 13 Jan 2005 16:55 PST
name it either or Fred.
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: googleexpert-ga on 13 Jan 2005 17:52 PST
that's funny; Fred.
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: guzzi-ga on 13 Jan 2005 20:06 PST
Shelob?s web
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Jan 2005 21:40 PST
The Monkey House.
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: monroe22-ga on 14 Jan 2005 07:51 PST
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: scorchiochico-ga on 14 Jan 2005 08:41 PST
why not use ..... the eighth wonder of the world.

its free - to register aswell check it out at by following this link:

Kind Regards,

Chris Riley
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: hammer-ga on 14 Jan 2005 08:47 PST
Potters Field

- Hammer
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: scribe-ga on 14 Jan 2005 13:12 PST
How about naming it for the inventor of the Web (with his permission I suppose):

Berners-Lee House
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: severisth-ga on 14 Jan 2005 14:44 PST
Hammer, why Potter's Field? The only reference I could find for that
phrase is a graveyard for people who are unknown.
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: hammer-ga on 14 Jan 2005 15:06 PST
<<<Hammer, why Potter's Field? The only reference I could find for that
phrase is a graveyard for people who are unknown.>>>

Exactly. *grin*

The place where one expects to find the poor and unknown. That does
describe a pretty large percentage of web developers. *wink*

- Hammer
Subject: Re: What would be a good name for a community of web developers?
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Jan 2005 22:11 PST
And did Hammer get the Silver Medal for coming 2nd?

I do hope so.

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