Request for Question Clarification by
14 Jan 2005 06:44 PST
No, actually avanafil was the only drug I was aware of without doing
any research as it's the next likely Viagra/Levitra/Cialis-equivalent
to be marketed.
I did have a few minutes to check Medscape for ED research trends,
though, and posted what I found.
Oftentimes researchers will add a comment or a clarification to gauge
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#3 Summarize your own findings in the question. When writing your
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Researchers understand where to begin their research for you.
Hopefully, with this additional information, one of the full-time
researchers will take an interest in your question, since I work here
sporadically and in very short time increments.
Perhaps you also located Palatin's PT-141 intranasal peptide for
treatment of male and female sexual dysfunction?
Please note that your question will only be answered and your credit
card charged when someone posts in the "answer" section and you are
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clarification exchanges between you and the researcher, but most are
eager to help you find what you're looking for when there is clear
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I hope this information is helpful,