Allow me to introduce you to The American RSDHope Group. ( ) This site along with
( ) mentioned below by
expertlaw-ga, should cover most of your question.
You will learn about the four main symptoms which are: "1.Constant
chronic burning pain. 2.Inflammation 3.Spasms-in blood vessels and
muscles of the extremities 4.Insomnia/Emotional Disturbance" as well
as a plethora of additional symptoms and problems the disease can
cause. You will even find information as to its possible cause. The
disease also has four stages, of which there is some controversy about
the fourth. Some define the fourth stage as simply one which has
lasted more than two and a half years. You will also find this
website jam packed with other information about RSD.
If you are asking about information to apply for workman's comp or
disability, there is information about that on the site as well.
The "rating" system you might need for disability is called the McGill
Pain Rating Scale. The pain is very real to the sufferer but that
really does not enter into the equation as far as SS is concerned.
This website deals with RSD and the McGill pain rating scale. RSD
( ) A quote from the
website: "RSD pain seems to have a unique and severe quality when
compared to other disabling conditions. In 1981, Dr. A.J. Tamoush gave
the McGill Pain Questionnaire to patients attending pain clinics. He
found that the Pain Rating Index (PRI) among patients was 42. The
higher the rating the more intense the pain. This compares to a PRI of
25 for phantom limb pain, 26 for end non-end stage cancer and back
pain, 23 for pain associated with arthritis, dental and menstrual
disorders. Yes, RSD pain is more severe and unrelenting than most
chronic pain conditions."
I hope this is the 'rating' information you were seeking. If I can
possibly clarify anything for you, please don't hesitate to ask.
Search - Google
Key words - RSD, RSD ratings, pain ratings, RSD organizations
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