About three years ago, I stumbled upon a personal website (name of
person: Joe? don't recall the last name), which has a lot of
information on life-extension supplements. Will gladly pay $50 to
re-discover this website.
The person described himself as a "living experiment" or "experiment
in progress" or something similar. There was a page with his precise
daily supplemet list, consisting of some 15-20 items. The person was
also subscribed for cryopreservation with Alcor. His "day job" was
some sort of private engineering (optics?) company.
The only thing I now have from the many pages on that website is his
recommendations for periodic bloodwork. I append the list below. I
might have edited it slightly, but it is basically taken from the
website I am seeking.
1. Male Hormone Profile: CBC, SMAC, Total and Free Testosterone,
Estradiol, Progesterone, DHEA-Sulfate, PSA,
LH & FSH, Homocysteine, C-Reactive Protein and TSH.
2. Vitamins Serum: Vitamin A, Vitamin B (including B-6, B-12),
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lycopene Serum, Beta-Carotene
3. Pregnenolone Serum
4. Folic Acid Serum
5. Creatinine and BUN/Creatinine ratio
6. Magnesium Serum, Zinc Serum
7. Antioxidant profile: Lipid Protection Ratio, Coenzyme Q10 - Ubiquinol
8. Amino-acid profile: Acetyl-L-carnitine, N-acetyl-cysteine, Histedine,
9. Iron: SIR - Serum Iron, TIBC - Total Iron-Binding Capacity, Serum Ferritin |
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Jan 2005 13:51 PST
Hi asvask,
Does this sound like the man?
"I've been an experiment-in-progress in life extension and anti-aging
medicine for most of my life. Many advanced techniques in preventive
medicine have a good scientific basis, but are seldom used. By the
time I was 20, I had decided that it was time to make a real effort to
prevent the deterioration of the aging process. I also realized then
that I was living in a time when such an effort might really pay off
-- and it has.
In 1981, I stepped up my personal life extension to a point that
requires regular medical supervision. An important method of life
extension is maintaining one's hormone and enzyme levels at what would
be normal levels for a healthy person in his twenties. I've been
taking things like DHEA, melatonin, deprenyl and pregnenolone long
before most people had ever heard of them."
"...As a last resort, in case I ever need an ambulance to the future,
I'm signed up for cryonic suspension with the Alcor Foundation. With
current freezing techniques, reviving someone in cryonic suspension
would probably only be possible with molecular nanotechnology."
"...I make my living as a Television Transmitter Supervisor, working
atop Cheyenne Mountain, just outside of Colorado Springs."
Waiting to hear your views.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
17 Jan 2005 10:52 PST
Hi Rainbow,
Thanks a lot for your efforts! Everything sounds right, except
for the last paragraph in your e-mail. The man was NOT working as
a Television Transmitter Supervisor atop Cheyenne mountain. But
perhaps he changed jobs during the three years that passed.
Here are some other details from the website that I vaguely recall:
(?) Last name ending in "son" or "sen" such as Peterson or Petersen..
(?) There was one photo of the man, from a trip to South America..
(?) There was some discussion of exercise regime and caloric restriction,
saying that he does something, but probably not enough..
Do these verify? Is there a list of daily supplements on his website?
Most importantly, does the bloodwork list essentially verify? If most
of this verifies, we have the right person, and I'll gladly pay the $50.
Thanks again,