*** I don't believe this would take much time for someone experienced
with C++ and C# to answer. If I'm wrong, and a Google Researcher
feels this will take a while and would only do it for a higher price,
let me know. If it's more time consuming to answer than I think it
will be, I'd be willing to pay for that extra time. ***
I have been programming C++ on Unix for years. I have to write my
first application using Visual Studio .NET (which I've never used
before), and interact with A DLL written in C# (which I've never used
The DLL interaction is extremely simple, and all the documentation
fits on one screen without scrolling. This should be fairly easy for
someone familiar with both C++ and C#.
The website for the DLL file I am trying to use is:
(Scroll down on this page for the documentation - under the '
"TheEye" API ' section)
[Question] My understanding is that although the DLL author wrote the
DLL in C# that I should still be able to use it in a C++ program. Am
I correct?
I am trying to "translate" those C# commands in the API documentation
area to C++. I have some of them figured out.
1. The API Class:
TheEye.Comm.API api = new TheEye.Comm.API();
This seems to work:
TheEye::Comm::API* apiPtr = new TheEye::Comm::API;
[Question] Is this correct? If not, please help me with author's
points 4-6 because how simple these lines are, these translations seem
very simple to me.
2. Receiving feed back:
api.AreaChanged += new TheEye.Comm.AreaChanged(TheEye_AreaChanged);
api.StatusChanged += new TheEye.GUI.StatusEventHandler(TheEye_StatusChanged);
public delegate void AreaChanged(object sender, ElementCollection elems);
public delegate void StatusEventHandler(object sender, string
newStatus, Status status);
ElementCollection is collection of Element class instances, having 3 properties:
public string AreaType;
public string AreaGroup;
public string AreaName;
public string AreaValue;
[Question] I get that this is where I'm supposed to link up one of my
functions to the API to get results back from it. This is where I am
[Question] What is the author meaning here?
[Question] What should my function prototypes be?
[Question] How do I hook my functions into the api object?
[Question] How do I use ElementCollection? I assume it can't be as
easy as "vector<TheEye::Comm::Element> ElementCollection"? Is it
instead an array of "TheEye::Comm::Element"? If so, how do I figure
out the size?
[Question] Is there any way to figure out possible values for
"Status"? The website doesn't say anything about this, or even what
status events are.
3. Starting "TheEye" through the API
public void Start(string projectName, int windowHandle)
public void Start(string projectName, string windowTitle)
public void StartWithRegEx(string projectName, string windowTitle)
This seems to work:
apiPtr->Start("C:\TheEye\CalculatorExample.eye", "Calculator");
[Question] Is this correct?
[Question] Can you send me in the right direction (website) showing
how to get windowHandles from Windows?
I won't be using the RegEx capability. |
Clarification of Question by
16 Jan 2005 12:19 PST
I started posting this question, and on the preview page, decided to
add a something to the top. As soon as I confirmed the question, it
forwarded me to see the live question. On the FIRST LOAD, it was
showing "You cannot modify or comment this question right now. It is
currently being answered."
Either a google researcher was extremely quick at grabbing the
question (which I'd be very thankful for) or I'm wondering if I
somehow locked the question myself by editing the comment text before
posting it. I didn't use the back or forward buttons, just used the
HTML buttons supplied by google.
Can anyone check into this? If someone actually is answering, thanks
for your prompt attention, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Jan 2005 19:37 PST
If I understand the context, there is a DLL which you want to call from C++ code.
You have documentation for how to call it (the API) in C#, and you
want this translated into equivalent C++ commands.
I think this can be done and that the price offered is reasonable.
Just to clarify, you are writing .Net code using C++? I ask because
it is also possible to compile a "native" application from C++ in
Visual Studio .Net, and presumably your application is otherwise
dependent upon the .Net environment.
regards, mathtalk-ga
Clarification of Question by
16 Jan 2005 20:05 PST
Your understanding is correct.
I am used to C++, so I hope that I will be able to use C++ rather than
have to learn and use the .Net language.
The dll file I am trying to use, "TheEye.dll" had a front-end testing
interface that required the .Net framework to be installed before it
would run. I don't know if that just means their testing interface
(that I will not be using with this program) requires .Net framework
-- or if the dll file also requires it. Either way, I am hoping to
just write C++ without the .Net environment being in my own code.
If I didn't clearly answer your question, it is because of my
unfamiliarity with Windows programming. Feel free to ask again. :)
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Jan 2005 04:45 PST
According to the link you cited:
"TheEye" is written in C# and requires .Net runtime.
So your application will require installation of the .Net "framework".
However I would imagine that this will have already happened on your
development machine if you installed Visual Studio .Net.
It is possible to treat the entire .Net runtime as a COM component and
call it from "native" code compiled from C++, but this neither removes
the necessity of installing the .Net runtime nor simplifies the
programming model.
I recommend the approach of writing your code in C++ and compiling it
as a .Net executable. Visual Studio .Net can create a variety of
"base" projects to give you a starting point. Will your application
be a "console" application that runs from a command line, or will you
have a GUI (graphical user interface) design? I suspect the latter,
because "The Eye" seems to target that sort of application.
regards, mathtalk-ga
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jan 2005 15:02 PST
Hi, darlingm-ga:
Will you still be interested in translation of those C# API calls to
C++, knowing that the .Net framework is required by "The Eye"?
regards, mathtalk-ga