Short English to Latin translation
Category: Reference, Education and News Asked by: keith_w-ga List Price: $6.00 |
16 Jan 2005 15:31 PST
Expires: 15 Feb 2005 15:31 PST Question ID: 458303 |
I would like to translte the phrase "I Came, I found, I left" into latin in the form of the famous "veni vidi vici". If "I found" is difficult to translate then something along the line of "I discovered" would be fine. For context, the phrase will be used as a Geocaching motto (Geocaching is a treasure hunt game using GPS's) |
Re: Short English to Latin translation
Answered By: juggler-ga on 16 Jan 2005 16:44 PST Rated: |
Hello. I'd go with: "Veni, inveni, discessi." sources: 'Veni Inveni Reveni... ...The title of this piece translates into "I came; I found; I returned,"' http://www.enoreo.on.ca/musiccyberfest/finale/carl_s.htm ""Veni, vidi, amicos inveni" [I came, I saw, I found friends] is a motto for the Baltic Sea Youth Festival" http://www.millenniumworld.org/Europe/latvia.htm "discedo, discedere, discessi - I leave, depart" source: JACT http://www.jact.org/latinresource3.htm "discedo -ere discessi discessum go away, depart" http://kepheus.tripod.com/UL1vocab/princparts.html ------------- search strategy: My own knowledge of Latin, plus variou searches; "veni inveni" "i came i found" discedo discessi, leave depart I hope this helps. | |
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Perfect, Thankyou. |
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