Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
Category: Computers > Programming Asked by: mike514-ga List Price: $25.00 |
16 Jan 2005 21:02 PST
Expires: 28 Feb 2005 14:06 PST Question ID: 458430 |
Hi everyone! I hope this is a simple task for many of you. If any clarifications are required, please write back! If it's more complex, please don't hesitate to let me know, too. I have several Word 2003 forms that consist of about 10 tables. In each table, I have several calculated fields, dropdowns, and numeric text that the users type in (the forms are, of course, protected.) We need to transfer this data into Excel (not as a link, but rather just a straight-ahead copy and paste. Right now, we accomplish this in a backwards-ass manner, as follows: At the bottom of my all my forms, I have a table of about 100 cells wide, one column high. (Yes, I know Word's limit is 64 cells, so I actually pasted two tables side-by-side in another table!) Now, very simply, in this table, I simply paste each bookmark, so it looks like this: JAN 2003 M.G. (555) 444-1212 $50.00 $20.00 0 5 5 5 5 4 1 1 Then, to get it into Excel, I recorded a keystroke macro that just jumps to the bottom of the table, and does a Shift-Up Arrow, Copy, Reprotect the doc. Voila! In the Windows clipboard, we how have the data that we need. I then simply head over to Excel, and hit paste! In comes the data. Then I will open up the next word form, hit my macro. Back to Excel. Move a line down, and paste! So, in the end, my Excel table, from 5 forms, would look like this: JAN 2003 M.G. (555) 341-1252 $20.00 $20.00 1 5 3 5 5 4 9 1 AUG 2005 E.V. (555) 443-1215 $54.00 $20.00 0 3 5 5 5 5 1 1 JAN 2003 M.E. (555) 444-1232 $80.00 $20.00 0 5 5 1 5 4 1 6 ...and we're done. But this is ridiculous, I think, especially since that table at the bottom adds another 70K to the file. And it's just not cool. If I could just press a button on my button bar, and have it scoop up all the bookmark values into the clipboard (or something) allowing me to get them to Excel, that would be great. I have about 30 different Word forms, but all based on the same one. Therefore, all the bookmarks are similar (DATE / AMOUNT_1 / INITIALS) etc. The answer should be relatively flexible. I don't wnat it to just work for ONE form. Rather, it must be universal to copy 'em, and allow me to then paste them. Alphabetical A-Z is fine... That way, I could take any form, and use the same macro. (Maybe there is some type of linking that would be done... After all, the copy-table-in-Word/Paste-Table-in-Excel was only my silly concoction) I hope there's a way to copy all the bookmark values in a row to Excel. (and, I guess along with it, should be another macro button that spits out the bookmark NAMES in the same way, so that I can align everything in my Excel scoresheet. ie. Date-Year-Initials-Phone_number-Price_1-Price_2- Q_1,Q_2,Q_3 JAN 2003 M.G. (555) 341-1252 $20.00 $20.00 1 5 3 5 5 4 9 1 AUG 2005 E.V. (555) 443-1215 $54.00 $20.00 0 3 5 5 5 5 1 1 Thanks! Mike PS I've never really used Google Answers before. I hope I am clear, and get a solution that consists of two buttons that work: One to paste the bookmark names into Excel cells/Windows clipboard, and another macro to copy in the Values! | |
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Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: ck123-ga on 09 Feb 2005 23:51 PST |
Hi, There are more than a few ways to accomplish this. I've made multiple programs to pull values from Word into Excel and vice versa. I've done this using Macros and also from within VB.Net programs. The simplest way is to create a reference to the Word doc (in an Excel macro) and loop through all the different form fields (Provided each form has a unique bookmark). You can then use the bookmark names to select the column name in Excel that it would go under. In this case you wouldn't need to have anything other than the forms in Word. I also have code that opens a window that allows you to select which Word doc to open as well as code that loops through every Word doc in a folder. If the answer isn't posted in a few days I'll push some of the code up for you to see. CK |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 10 Feb 2005 05:06 PST |
Holy Moley... I think that is EXACTLY what we're looking for!! I just wish there was a way for me to post up a few sample Word docs and a sample Excel sheet, just to show what I mean. But CK, it seems like you are definitely onto something. I know I am not allowed to mail you a password to access an FTP site, nor send you an attachment via E-mail. What if I were to open a gmail account, send myself the stuff via an attachment, and then post the username and password here. That should work. I'll throw up a Word doc or two, one of our Excel sheets, and a screenshot or two. This would be great if it works! Thanks! Mike |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: ck123-ga on 10 Feb 2005 18:32 PST |
Hey Mike, Here's the code I just wrote for an Excel macro that should do the trick for you. I haven't tested it too much but it should work for your needs. No idea what your skill level is but to make it easy, record a new macro in Excel and then edit it and overwrite it with everthing here from Option Explicit down. This macro was created in Excel 2003 but it should work with 2000 and up. Make sure you include a reference to the Microsoft Word Object (in Tools - References) before saving the Macro. Good luck, Charles K. '--------------- Option Explicit 'Make sure you include a reference to the Microsoft Word Object (in Tools - References) Public WordObj As Word.Application Public intRow As Integer Sub GetWordValues() ' Macro recorded 2/10/2005 by CK ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+O OpenWordDoc End Sub Private Function OpenWordDoc() As String Dim fd As FileDialog Dim x As Integer On Error GoTo TheEnd Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application") 'Create a FileDialog object as a File Picker dialog box. Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) On Error GoTo InvalidNumber 'Get the starting row number intRow = CInt(InputBox("Please enter the last Row used", "Row Number Input", "1")) On Error Resume Next If intRow = 0 Then intRow = 1 With fd .AllowMultiSelect = True .Filters.Clear .Filters.Add "Word Files", "*.doc" If .Show Then If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then For x = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count 'Pass the file name and the current file count FillExcel .SelectedItems.Item(x), x Next End If End If End With Set fd = Nothing WordObj.Quit Set WordObj = Nothing Exit Function InvalidNumber: If MsgBox("You entered an invalid number, OK to start at 2?", vbOKCancel, "Invalid Row") = vbCancel Then WordObj.Quit Set WordObj = Nothing End Else intRow = 2 Resume Next End If TheEnd: MsgBox Err.Number & " => " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error Opening Word Doc" WordObj.Quit Set WordObj = Nothing End End Function Private Function FillExcel(strFile As String, intFileNum As Integer) Dim WordDoc As Word.Document Dim WordRange As Word.Range Dim x As Integer On Error Resume Next Set WordDoc = WordObj.Documents.Open(strFile) 'Uncomment the ' on the next line to see Word cycle through the values 'WordObj.Visible = True 'Activate the current WorkSheet (Change Sheet1 to whatever WorkSheet you're using) Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate 'Prompt to use FieldNames as Column Headers If intFileNum = 1 Then If MsgBox("Use FieldNames as Column Headers?", vbYesNo, "Column Headers") = vbYes Then For x = 1 To WordDoc.FormFields.Count 'This line takes the name of the bookmark and puts it on the first row (only for the first doc opened) ActiveSheet.Cells(1, x) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Name Next End If End If 'Loop through all the fields For x = 1 To WordDoc.FormFields.Count 'intRow is the file order number (each file will import on a new row) 'the x is the column - Essentially it'll cycle through all the bookmarks in the Word doc ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow + intFileNum, x) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Result Next WordDoc.Close Set WordDoc = Nothing End Function |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: ck123-ga on 10 Feb 2005 18:37 PST |
Hmm, noticed that it might not have formatted correctly when I posted it so when you paste it in Excel, if you see any lines that are red it probably means that the line shouldn't have been broke. Go to the end of the line or the one above it and hit Delete then hit the Space bar. You should be able to figure out which ones are broken by running it (it'll give you an error). CK |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 11 Feb 2005 19:50 PST |
Hi there! I tried out the macro, and pasted the following results... Unfortunately, I added to the Clarify Question portion, and not the Comments portion. I guess that explains why I might not have received a reply..! Here is where I'm at: ======================= Hey CK! My knowledge of this stuff us pretty lousy. First of all -> Good advice with creating a macro and then cutting and pasting your code in. That is what I usually do in these situations. Second -> Great comment about the line breaks. I figured that out before I read your latest post! Now... 1 - In tools, references, I did include MS WOrd 11.0 Object Library. 2 - I do have Office 2003 3 - I wrote over my temporary macro, so now GetWordValues is in my library. 4 - When I run it, I receive the following: No Cells were Found. Where should I place the Word docs in question? I tried putting them into (1) My Documents (2) the default Excel folder (3) Copied the files to the clipboard. (4) left a file open. Same message. Help, please! :) |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: ck123-ga on 11 Feb 2005 22:12 PST |
Mike, I tried wrecking the code in numerous places but I can't seem to get the same error you received. A few things I noticed was that it behaved erratically when another Word document was open so make sure all Word Documents are closed before you run it. If you "Step Into" the Excel Macro instead of just running it and then keep hitting F8 you'll be able to "Walk" through the code line by line. If you tell me the last line that you're on before the error message shows up I should be able to help you better. In any case, you should be prompted with three windows: 1. Please enter the last Row used. 2. File Open (where you select the Word Document(s) you want to import from) 3. Use FieldNames as Column Headers? You can tell by the second window that the Word files can be anywhere on your machine (though if you select multiple files they need to be in the same folder). It would be best to test it using only 1 file at a time in the beginning to figure out how it works. The error you are getting is in relation to cells therefore the program is either having trouble writing the information into Excel or there are some tables in the Word document that are causing issues. One thing this program needs is an Excel WorkSheet called Sheet1. To test if it's your Word doc that's having the issues, the easiest way to make sure is to create a new Word doc with only 5 or 6 formfields in it (all with valid bookmark names) and no tables. After that make sure the document is locked (to close the fields) and then enter some data. Save the doc and close Word before running the Macro I gave you in Excel. The three message boxes should come up and when it asks for a file make sure you choose only the new Word doc you just created. If it works you'll know the Excel Macro is good and that something in your Word doc is to blame. If this is the case, I'll need to see one of your Word samples to further root out the cause. Another possibility is that you're missing other References. In Tools - References you should see: 1.Visual Basic for Applications 2.Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library 3.Microsoft Office 10.0 Object Library 4.OLE Automation 5.Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library If one of these is missing, add it. Other than that my hands are tied. Try the above and let me know has it goes. If nothing works, I'll need a copy of your files to test it myself. Good Luck, Charles K. |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 11 Feb 2005 23:14 PST |
Thanks Charles! I am going to try this right now, even if it's 2:15 in the morning! I'll have a follow-up within the hour!!! Thanks! Mike |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 11 Feb 2005 23:39 PST |
Hello again! Okay, new problem. I am stepping through it, and this is how it goes. Within four lines, it crashes: Private Function OpenWordDoc() As String On Error GoTo TheEnd Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application") MsgBox Err.Number & " => " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error Opening Word Doc" I get the following dialog box: "Error Opening Word Doc" -2147221231 => Automation Error ClassFactory cannot supply requested class Then when I step back into it, I get a runtime error 91: Object Variable or With block variable not set. And yes, I have these: 1.Visual Basic for Applications 2.Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library 3.Microsoft Office 10.0 Object Library 4.OLE Automation 5.Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library I have set up an account on my FTP server. If you want me to post up my Excel file, please let me know! Thanks!! Mike |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 12 Feb 2005 00:57 PST |
I thought I could solve it, but no luck. I did a Google search on -2147221231, and it seems like it's an error that creeps up now and again when one MS Office app tries to access another. One way to solve it was to ensure all the VB runtimes are installed. So I went to the MSFT website, and downloaded VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe, which installs Visual Basic 6.0 SP6 run-time files. I was so sure it would work after rebooting, but..no dice. By the way, my Windows XP PRO is fully updated with every critical and optional patch. I also tried disabling my virus scanner. Nothin... |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 12 Feb 2005 01:21 PST |
I found someone have a similar problem here: http://www.mrexcel.com/archive/VBA/16052.html And also, I came across the following on MSDN's channel 9: (I did what he did.. changed Word.Application to Excel.Application, and it went a little further. It paused for about a second, then I got an "Error Opening Word Doc 13 => Type mismatch error. So at least we know it has something to do with Word, just like this MSDN guy: Hello all, I hope someone here can shed a little light on this problem I've started having recently. I have a little JS script that I use to check the spelling of posts I make online by calling Word's spell checker from IE. I recently upgraded to Office 2003 and since doing so I get the following error when I run the script: ClassFactory cannot supply requested class (code 80040111). The offending line of the script is shown below: app= new ActiveXObject("Word.Application"); If you replace Word With Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, InfoPath, etc the script runs just fine and the application opens as expected. Only when I try to create an instance of Word do I get the error. Windows XP Pro (SP1) Office 2003 (SP1) WSH 5.6 I'd appreciate any help. I know there are other spell checkers for IE but the fact that this used to work and no longer does is just bothering me. I've googled for it, but the hits I get aren't terribly relevant. I tried the knowledgebase but got no love there either. TIA |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: ck123-ga on 12 Feb 2005 19:45 PST |
Hi Mike, The problem your facing with the Excel Macro is most likely a VBScript issue not Visual Basic. Try downloading and installing the latest VBScript from Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=c717d943-7e4b-4622-86eb-95a22b832caa&languageid=f49e8428-7071-4979-8a67-3cffcb0c2524&displaylang=en Since I've tried the macro on several machines, I'm thinking that it's something on your machine that is wrong. If you still can't get it to work after this, I'll need a copy of your files to go on any further. Cheers, Charles |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 12 Feb 2005 22:03 PST |
Hi Charles, Well... here's something interesting.. I have three computers here, and I'm getting some results on one of them! I downloaded that VBScript thing, but no dice on my machine. If only I can get it to run here, I'd be thrilled! I did run it on my partner's PC... really neat! Getting onto the right track, here! Asisde from this crashing on my machine, if you could please let me know if this slight change in functionality it possible, that would be awesome: 1 - Minor Enhancement Is there a way to have it ask on what column it should start pasting? Right now, it pastes everything from Column A. If it could ask either which offset, or which column letter to start pasting, that would rock. I do see it in the code, but I have never done any vbasic programming so I don't know how to set up a dialog box to ask the usuer for the first column number... 2 - Bookmarks vs. Formfields It's posting everything in the document. Every FormField, when all I need is every Bookmark. I was able to modify the header row by changing ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, x) = WordDoc.Formfield(x).Name to ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow, x) = WordDoc.Bookmarks(x).Name The header row worked like a charm. Instead of having blank spaces, representing the formfields that aren't bookmarks, it now just listed the bookmarks. (This was the first thing I ever did in Visual Basic! I haven't touched code since working on BASIC, Pascal and Cobol while back in University But when I changed: ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow + intFileNum, x) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Result to ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow + intFileNum, x) = WordDoc.Bookmarks(x).Result But that didn't work. There must be something to return the value in the bookmark... (Also, just to let you know, as it's going through the FormFields, it's returning them in the order that they appear in the document. When I change it to BookMarks, it spits it out in alphabetical order. This is perfect. Depending on how I name my bookmarks, I am able to pick in which order they will appear.) I reallllly hope we can get this working on my machine! It's interesting how my google searches turned up several other people with the same error. (I just sent it to my colleague who does the data entry of the reports. If we get it to pop out bookmarks and not formfields, and it works on her machine, I'm happy! Then whatd'ya say we double the amount to get it work on mine!?) THanks for everything!!! |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: ck123-ga on 13 Feb 2005 17:54 PST |
Hi Mike, Just to let you know, I'm not the one getting the money. I'm just a guy that was looking into something, stumbled upon your problem and thought I'd lend a free hand. I have no idea who would get the money since I neither work for Google nor do I know how they operate. This is simply goodwill and payment in part to all the free help I've gotten over the years from anonymous users. Since I would either need access to your machine or spend a bunch of time on possible scenarios, the issue you're having with your machine is outside of my control. Sorry I can't spend more time helping you out. My only suggestion at this time is to either re-install Office 2003, see if there are any Office updates you get or call Microsoft support. As to a few of your requirements, here's a few things to get you on the right track. To add a column selection, add this to the line directly beneath "Public intRow As Integer" Public IntCol as Integer Add this to the line directly beneath "intRow = CInt(InputBox("Please enter the last Row used", "Row Number Input", "1"))" intCol = CInt(InputBox("Please enter the last Column used", "Column Number Input", "0")) Add this to the line directly beneath "Else intRow = 1" intCol = 0 Change the line from "ActiveSheet.Cells(1, x) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Name" to ActiveSheet.Cells(1, x + intCol) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Name Change the line from "ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow + intFileNum, x) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Result" to ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow + intFileNum, x + intCol) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Result That should take care of your Column selection. The Bookmarks to FieldForms issue gets a little harder since they're not exactly the same thing. Essentially, you can have FormFields without names and Bookmarks without FormFields. I name every FieldForm and the only Bookmarks I use are connected to FieldForms so I never have the issue you discussed. Though you can get the name of the Bookmark the way you decribed, getting the value is a little different. Not knowing exactly how you set up your Word Document (and to be honest wondering why you'd have a FormField without a name and also not wanting to use the values in it), I have this suggestion. Of course this will create a column for every Bookmark in your Word Document so if you have any that aren't associated with a FieldForm, they will show also. Change both of the lines "For x = 1 To WordDoc.FieldForms.Count" to For x = 1 To WordDoc.Bookmarks.Count Change the line from "ActiveSheet.Cells(1, x + intCol) = WordDoc.FieldForms(x).Name" to ActiveSheet.Cells(1, x + intCol) = WordDoc.Bookmarks(x).Name Change the line from "ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow + intFileNum, x + intCol) = WordDoc.FormFields(x).Result" to ActiveSheet.Cells(intRow + intFileNum, x + intCol) = WordDoc.FormFields(WordDoc.Bookmarks(x).Name).Result That should take care of both your issues however remember that if the FormField doesn't have a Bookmark name in your Word Document it won't show up in Excel. Mike, good luck with everything else and it's been a pleasure helping you out. Charles K. |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 15 Feb 2005 04:56 PST |
Hi Charles! I just wanted to you thank you very much for all your help. I had no idea that you weren't a "Google Researcher"! This help is VERY much appreciated! I originally wrote two nights ago, but I had included contact info, because I figured I'd love to send more little projects like this your way for a fee. Unfortunately, I received an E-mail back from Google as I was not allowed to include personal contact information. They removed the comment. Today I will type in the changes, below, and hopefully I'll be up and running! Thank you again for all your help! I really really appreciate it! Best regards, Mike |
Re: Need to copy Word Bookmarks to Windows Clipboard or Excel..
From: mike514-ga on 28 Feb 2005 06:38 PST |
Hi Charles! Are you (or anyone) by any chance still monitoring this thread?? I have a slight problem here, and I am hoping someone can shed some insight! Please do reply if this thread is still alive, and I'll post the question! Thanks all! Mike |
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